Activated Carbon: A Love Affair Spanning 22 Years

Activated Carbon: A Love Affair Spanning 22 Years

The use of activated carbon for in situ treatment of contamination in soil and groundwater was introduced to the industry by RPI over 22 years ago. Recent interest in "Carbon-based injectates" has spawned many opinions on its application and limitations from various sources, including the EPA, regulators, and consultants. Over the years, RPI has learned a lot.

Not long ago, the extensive apartment complex pictured above was not there. Instead, there was an open field with soil and groundwater heavily impacted by TCE. DNAPL existed at multiple locations with TCE at 25,000 to 54,000 ppm in soil. Groundwater TCE was in the hundreds of ppm. Site remediation could have been considered technically impractical. RPI's BOS 100? was used at the site, and years later, the complex above was built on DNAPL-ground zero!

Remediating this site and seeing it redeveloped as a residential property is a fantastic accomplishment. I admit that not all RPI Group sites are this amazing. But success is far more common than not. In the twenty-two years since introducing this technology, we have tackled all types of sites, including LNAPL, DNAPL, bedrock, and comingled plumes - you name the stratigraphy - and we have tackled it.

We love activated carbon and are so confident we can help you with your site that Remediation Products, Inc and AST Environmental, Inc. are willing to offer Pay for Performance type contracts. If you want to learn more, click here – Performance Based Contracts.

Do you have a "nightmare" petroleum hydrocarbon site that won't go away? We wrote the?book on this problem. Well, perhaps not the book, but a chapter: click here to read more – Activated Carbon Injection for In-Situ Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons.

Call us with your "nightmare" site – we can help.

Kind Regards,

Edward Winner , PhD, Vice?President

Remediation Products, Inc


What's New with RPI Group?

Case Study:

BOS?100? And GeoTap?: Economical Replacement Of Legacy Remediation System

The subject site is a former dry cleaner in western Canada with adjacent residences and a school. BOS 100? and GeoTap drilling method employed to reduce contaminants.?


Source Area Remediation Using the Synergistic Degradation Mechanisms of CAT 100 Wednesday, March 27,2024 | 10:00AM MST / 12:00PM EST

Trap & Treat? CAT 100 is a fusion of RPI's BOS 100? and biotechnology to produce a technology capable of achieving results beyond the capabilities of either alone. CAT 100 based remedies have been successfully implemented at multiple sites in the United States, Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Finland since 2016.

This technology is a response to the call to action from the environmental marketplace to provide significant mass removal and sustained treatment from a single product application. CAT 100 has been an especially critical tool for AST to support our consultant partners to resolve sites with mixed contaminant mass and dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) impacts.

The technology and relevant project summaries will be discussed in this 45 min presentation. Sign up!

Introducing Performance-Based Contracts

We are excited to unveil an innovative addition to our offerings: Performance-Based Contracts (PBCs)

Advances in the Characterisation and Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Chapter 16 - Activated Carbon Injection for In-Situ Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

In-situ remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) using activated carbon (AC) is an emerging technology intended to enhance sorption and biodegradation mechanisms in soil and groundwater systems. The combination of pore types, source material, activation process, and grind of a particular AC influences its efficacy in subsurface remediation. When high-energy injection techniques are employed, installation of carbon-based injectate (CBI) slurries can be conducted in practically any geological setting, from sandy aquifers to low-permeability zones and weathered or fractured rock. Following an adequate CBI installation throughout the target treatment zone or as a permeable reactive barrier, dissolved PHC concentrations are typically observed to rapidly decrease. Click to read more.

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