Activate the Youth for the Future
Youth Initiative Development Programme
Activate the Youth for the Future
Youth Initiative Development Programme in partnership with Tangaza University College, Centre for Leadership and Management will be hosting the first ever Youth Convention themed: Building a Sustainable Healthy Community for Youths in Africa. The main objective is to prioritize, explore and strengthen the role of the private-public institutions in advancing sustainable youth employability and health programs in Africa with focus in Kenya.
The YIDP Convention will be a 2 days highly interactive hybrid event happening from 10th-11th August 2023. The convention will allow both in-person and virtual participation. A minimum of 300 delegates are expected to participate in the Convention– the majority of which will be young people from different parts of Africa aged 16-27 years. Delegates will represent a cross-section of areas to reflect the multi-disciplinary and inter-sectoral nature of adolescent and youth health and development among the delegates; we also expect eminent entrepreneur experts, universities & colleges, researchers, research institutions, business leaders,policy makers and development partners. Special attention will be placed on especially vulnerable youth including those with disabilities. The panel will discuss, share information and provide lessons learned and insights on key areas that affects the youth health and development in Africa.
Stimulating content will be delivered in an engaging way through plenary knowledge sessions, collaborative exclusive round table sessions, networking sessions, exhibition areas, and thematic breakfast, lunch, and dinner sessions - helping ensure key messages are retained and commitments are actioned.
Here are the event sessions:
1. Private-public partnership in generating new investments, opportunities and financing for the youth in Africa in realization of SDGS & agenda 2063
2. Sports and culture as a driver in youth cohesion, identity, and unity by enhancing talents and skills, hence promoting lives.
3. IT & the future of the youth to achieve sustainable growth and development
4. Public-Private institutions collaboration with research institutions, colleges, and Universities to find, train and empower talents
5. Youth Leadership, Participation & Role of Youth in Sustainable Climate Action.
6. Private-public partnership to tackle the youth mental health crisis in Africa.
7. Prevention of Gender-Based Violence and Inequality among adolescents in Africa.
8. Youth Health and Sexual Reproductive Human Rights.
9. Role of youth in advancing UHC in Africa
10. Current awareness of youth as agents of change for HPV & cervical cancer elimination.
Event Date: 10th -11th, August 2023
Event Address: Tangaza University College,Nairobi, Kenya
Register to Attend:
For partnership or more information to participate, please contact:
(+254)711269225 or [email protected]