Activate Your Life Energy

Activate Your Life Energy

When I was writing my Master’s thesis, I was really excited about the subject I chose: “The Nervous System as a Pathway to Personal Awareness

This thesis is now part of my EBook: “Advanced Healing (Energy Discussions for Leading Lightworkers)

I thought I had really delved deeply into spiritual matters and that I had discovered, studied and researched a subject that had intrigued me for a very long time.


Then, the time came to choose my subject for the doctoral dissertation and as I didn’t think I could top up the previous subject… the idea came to me like a bolt of lightning: DNA. Here we really were delving into the depths of spiritual matter! And not just normal DNA, that studied by scientists. Here we were aiming at etheric DNA!

When I first heard of this concept, I thought “Wow! What an idea!” I had never heard of such a thing. Yet, the more I focused on it, the more information was coming my way.

We were not just talking here about human blueprint, which in itself is exciting and interesting enough. We were talking here about a pathway to ascension, a blueprint for healing, not just humanity but our planet as well. A map to higher, lighter, more refined energy, not just for the Earth and its inhabitants but for our Universe, our neighbour Universes and the cosmos in general. So we were talking big picture here: we were talking a new world. And the information I believe was so readily available because in all accounts, the timing is now.


Many are involved in different healing modalities and have their focus on positive activities such as saving energy, recycling and ingesting nutritious food. And yes, saving energy will help; yes, recycling will help; yes, honouring nature and treating our bodies with respect by ingesting healthy foods will also help. Investing, developing and using alternative energy methods will also help.

But, is this enough?

My answer is: no. Because we won’t do these and other similar activities at enough speed and in enough numbers, enough to make the necessary difference by the next two generations.

I believe that there is something else that we can do, indeed, that we must do or will have to do, in order to save the planet, the human race and the ecosystems of the Earth.

The answer lies in energy. The answer lies in spirituality, focus and intention. The answer lies in DNA: we must shift our consciousness and awareness to realise that it is all energy.


All my research kept bringing me again and again to a larger cosmic perspective of a healing Earth as part of a bigger scale of realignment of planets and energies, evolution of universes and the assistance that we are receiving from beings of light at many different dimensions, all having one aim in mind: grasping the upward-rising spiral of the end of the current 26,000 cycle in order to allow ascension to take place, evolution to continue, to save ourselves from devolution and the disintegration of each individual soul matrix, or in other words, spiritual oblivion.

Many courageous souls, incarnated and non-incarnated, have fought this long war. But now the final battle is taking place right in front of our eyes, and this is what is perceived physically as the disintegration of the financial, governmental, group structures known to man for centuries, created by man in other times when the goal of dominion and control was in mind, and not peaceful coexistence and harmonious living.

Now that times have changed, these structures are no longer sustainable because they don’t match the current higher energies of love that are sweeping the planet, and so fear is taking grip in the souls of those who feel disconnected from a higher purpose and a larger picture.

Thus those who have managed to heal and grow to a level of a higher perspective and deeper understanding need to take responsibility for helping those younger spirits, to hold their hand and say it will be all right.


In her book “Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light” Patricia Pereira says: “In this spatial time, the universe in which Earth’s sun is located is undergoing a ninth-degree angular spin – an upgrading of its vibrational alignment”.

“A ninth-degree universe is one that has completed a certain level of Divine intention and has heeded a summons from Omnipotent Omnipresence to modify its complex structures to a more resonant hum”.

“To gain an upliftment in vibrational attunement you must incorporate Light-Love into all resistant emotional, mental, cellular and DNA areas”.


Concept one: We no longer have the luxury of taking our time to evolve over many karmic cycles any longer. Patricia explains: “Opportunities to obtain additional incarnations on third-dimensional Earth are almost nil; her time for residing in lower-spectrum light is quickly coming to an end. To live on fourth-dimensional Earth, by necessity, you will need to maintain your vibrations in harmony with hers. All who do not will be provided with alternative planetary living space”

“Personal issues must be attended to, processed and vibrationally readjusted with diligence and tonal precision. You must pay attention to subtle, insistent, lingering, negative-based thoughts and transform them into higher-resonant levels”.


Concept two: We must take responsibility for our own growth and put the necessary effort, something that most people are resistant to… unless life gives them a blow and puts them in the position where they don’t seem to have another option (e.g. a car accident, an illness, the breakup of a relationship, the loss of a job, etc).

She says: “Your principal spiritual guide and attendant sub-guides are always available to you, but the bulk of effort must be yours. These entities are guides and teachers; it is not their task to do for you what is yours to accomplish”.


Concept three: Energy is no longer a word reserved for scientists or engineers: it is one of the main concepts by which the future Earth and its inhabitants will understand reality.

Patricia adds: “to offset the effects of thousands, perhaps millions of years of spiritual stagnation, you must recharge your batteries by energizing your primary chakras. This is why almost all awakening humans concentrate on moving light through their spinal regions, why they are so intent on infusing their every cell and double-helix DNA with golden-white light”.


I was ok with the understanding and application of the three previous concepts for quite a while, but the idea of ascension was foreign to me: I didn’t understand that once you get to a specific vibration, you no longer need to be reborn, you no longer are tied up to the cycles of death and rebirth.

And then, adding to this the idea that rebirth on the Earth was no longer possible made me feel a great sense of responsibility for my future and my spiritual growth, as well as that of my loved ones, friends and family, and that of the extended family of human beings in general.


I thought “if there is one person who will listen, I will speak!” and I started to study leadership and public speaking in order to make this a reality. But as I kept delving deeper and deeper into the DNA concept, I did not feel fear at all. DNA made me think of potential, and etheric DNA made me think of spiritual law, spiritual contracts, spiritual evolution… and of energy.

I was once told by my spirit guides that “I had been an energy engineer in a previous life in Atlantis” and I would not be surprised in the slightest if this had been true because I feel and see the world as in the film “The Matrix”, as layers of reality made up of energy: I see relationships as ways to extract energy from each other, as power struggles; I see meditation and healing as a way to gain access effortlessly to an endless continuous source of energy; I see spiritual growth as a way to refine and clear one’s energy field; I see energy as the one and more valuable commodity… and many people still don’t know it!


So how can you be master of your destiny if you are focusing on something (e.g. money, happiness, relationships, health, etc) when in fact it is the underlying energy quality and quantity which is moving you, forcing you, enticing you, manipulating you, to think your thoughts, speak your words and act your actions?

And so the way that people currently see growth is changing, because the game is changing and so are the rules.

If there is no more reincarnation on the Earth so that karmic debts can be paid, what is one who has chosen (consciously or unconsciously) not to grow during this lifetime going to do next?

And if you do want to grow and don’t know in which direction, how many books are we going to read, how many tapes are we going to listen to, how many workshops are we going to attend… before we realize that all our answers lie right inside ourselves and that we can access them in a physical and spiritual way through our DNA?

And since our karmic records are all stored within our DNA, when we want to do research and read books we (used to!) go to the library, but now all we have to do is desire to know, intend to know, and be ready to listen to the information and guidance within.


The Native Americans have the concept of Totem Animals, who carry a medicine (animal medicine). What they mean is that each animal has an archetypal characteristic that, when this particular animal appears to you, physically in an unusual set of circumstances, or in your dreams, in a book, or even in your thoughts, the Universe is saying to you that you need to apply that medicine or strategy to your life in order to overcome a specific challenge at that time in your life.

Whale is the record keeper of the animal kingdom and it talks about re-member-ing (member together or putting together) one’s purpose on Earth by linking inwards with one’s DNA, awakening our gifts by listening inwards.

It seems clear to me that if anyone is serious about growing spiritually, one should go directly towards one’s DNA for answers. No gurus, workshops, tapes or books will give us the answers we are looking for. In fact, I have done this exercise before: I have asked for an energy download on any one subject that I have needed at the time (marketing, clearer self-expression when talking to groups, craft details on items that I didn’t know how to knit or crochet, a better singing voice, and many others) … and myself and others have noticed the leap in learning that I have achieved, almost overnight, without attending any classes. So I do believe that everything, and I mean everything that can be learnt, is kept within. All we have to do is tap into it and allow our guidance to unfold step by step!


Thom Hartmann’s “The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight” is quite a scary book. And when I read it I was shocked at the inhuman way humans have treated each other during history (and still do) using many excuses and justifications on the way. So I have started my dissertation with negativity because I wanted to describe the problem that we are facing.

Then I came across Sonaya Roman’s “Creating Money” because while most people in the planet think that it is all about money, it is clear to me that money is but an expression of energy and so I believe that money matters can also be dealt with from a DNA point of view, from an inner source of manifestation.

It seems that the problems that Thom Hartmann describes are created by humans wanting power and material gain, not doubting to take it from other humans, whatever it takes… when all along this material abundance was only a feeling, a belief, a pattern… all stored in one’s DNA and being projected onto the physical hologram...

... that we call life.


Dr Ana Garcia PhD, DTM.

September ‘2009



“Etheric DNA: The Blueprint for the Healing of the Planet”



ISBN: 9781726770101 (Imprint: Independently published)

 “The predatory way we are wiping out other species is both reflected in and partially caused by the obsession in our culture to accumulate wealth, often with no regard to that accumulation’s consequences to the ecosystem or to other humans. If taking the resources of other species is acceptable, why not take the resources of other humans, too?”

Harsh words by Thom Hartmann in “The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”. It is clear that most of us have chosen to believe this to be the truth, the final truth. Some have decided to take what they can while they can, some have decided to throw all caution to the wind and live their lives as if there were no consequences to their actions. I, and I believe many others too, have decided to believe that there is hope and that there is a way to the healing of the planet. Maybe not an easy solution, but a solution nevertheless. And this solution involves healing at the deepest level: at DNA level, at cellular-regeneration level, at soul level”.


Copyright ? Dr Ana Garcia PhD, DTM (2003 – 2019)

All rights reserved. No portion(s) of this book can be copied, used or reproduced for any manner without the expressed written consent of Dr Ana Garcia.




Portia Sithole

On-Brand-Content Creator-for-Blog Marketing & Brand Building & Holistic Literacy Coaching in Life & Business - Holistic Literacy Academy @

5 年

Thank you Dr Ana Garcia, your article and its focus on the DNA concept is very relevant to the holistic principle of striving to be ourselves and being the best of ourselves in doing anything on earth, for the benefit of ourselves, future generations and everyone concerned and making the world a better place to live for everyone. Thanks for inspiring and empowering the wide world.


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