Activate More Of You (Part 1) CARE
Katarina Miletic - Unconditional Life
Your Masterpiece Retreats for sophisticated men - I inspire champions to become legends.
What is - is already accepted. Recognise infinite acceptance of this moment that’s already given by existence. Recognise the acceptance that already is and become its expression. Realise that you can stop accepting - and start caring. Caring for what resonates, caring about every last minuscule detail of your being. Passionately observe everything in your life with great attention - and you will be unstoppable.?
With real care and interest start feeling that appreciation for being alive. Become passionate about?your life. Wake up to the grace that it is to be alive, become honestly grateful for the fact that you exist, and realise that you are called to service. From that state, it is natural to appreciate everything that you owe existence. And you owe it everything. I encourage you to appreciate the value of the spark of creation that made you exist.
Love is this generous, authentic, joyful, spark-like, radiant - sincere care for the benefit of all.?
Video 1/3 (join me tomorrow to realise more of you)