Activate-C Immune Complex
Throughout the past two years you?may have read?many articles stating that vitamin C is needed to help build?and retain?your immune system. Unlike many other vitamins,?vitamin C is water-soluble, meaning that it doesn’t stay in our system. The excess that isn’t needed the day we ingest (through food or supplements) leaves our bodies daily. With that in mind, it is very important that you get this needed immune support vitamin every day.?
Activate-C Immune Complex?not only has vitamin C,?but also includes zinc, vitamin E, astragalus, and Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry).?You may be?wondering what those other ingredients have to do with immune?support, and why not just take vitamin C by itself??
Well here’s why––
Did you know that?a little over?40 years ago?it was?discovered that zinc?helps the human immune system??Through a medical study?it was discovered that zinc deficiencies not only caused suppressed immune system functions, but also contributed to cognitive impairment, neurosensory disorders, and decreased lean body mass.?Since the finding of zinc’s importance to our immune system?other medical studies?have shown that zinc is increasingly important to fight off infections, and that zinc supplementation results?in a decrease in incidences of infections.?Zinc is also crucial to the normal development and function of cells.?
Vitamin E
Vitamin?E is a fat-soluble vitamin?that has antioxidant properties?which help improve?resistance to infections.?According to?several studies,?vitamin?E is one vitamin that is especially?helpful?to maintain our immune system as we grow older.?Vitamin E is a “potent antioxidant?and has the ability to enhance immune functions.”?Several studies?report that vitamin E offers improved resistance to various infectious diseases and increase antibody responses.?Activate-C Immune Complex?contains 15 IU of?vitamin?E, which is what the?National Institutes of Health?recommends for adults.?
Astragalus “stimulates virtually every phase of immune system activity and has been used as an immune booster in China for nearly 4,000 years.”?Mount Sinai studies?show that astragalus helps to protect the body from diseases as it contains antioxidants.?In a 2010 medical study?concerning antioxidants, it was shown?that antioxidant supplements help in disease prevention, thus?vitamin?E and astragalus both help prevent oxidative damage that happens with free radicals in our bodies.?Astragalus also seems to help people recover faster when their immune system is compromised or weakened due to disease.?
Aronia Melanocarpa?(black chokeberry)?
The black chokeberry is a small, dark berry that grows on shrubs native to North America. Native Americans actually used them as?a cold remedy.?Like?vitamin?E and astragalus, Aronia melanocarpa has antioxidant?properties. It also has folate, iron, and vitamins A and E. All of these properties help protect your cells from free radicals that?cause?inflammation and disease in your body. These berries are high in?anthocyanins,?a natural property that?causes foods to be red, purple, and blue. Thus grapes and blueberries are also high in this?important nutrient. Anthocyanins are not only powerful antioxidants?but they also help?gut health and support hormonal balance.?
Vitamin C?
As stated in a?medical article, “Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.”?Vitamin C enhances white blood cell response and function,” which is a good thing as the?purpose of white blood cells?is to protect the body from infection.?As seen hundreds of years ago, a severe deficiency of vitamin C can cause scurvy, which is characterized by impaired immunity.?Vitamin C cannot be synthesized by humans?so it is important to get this key vitamin daily.
So instead of taking just vitamin C, boost your immune system with?Activate-C Immune Complex.?
To learn more, schedule your appointment at