Action tracking, the project manager's number one tool
setec eocen - expertise gestion de projet
Experts du management de projet innovant ?? ??
By Beno?t DESRENTES , Technical Director at setec eocen - expertise gestion de projet
A few years ago, when I was working for a major aircraft manufacturer, I had the opportunity to hear a program director say to his project managers: “At launch, we make plans and then the project moves forward, and deviations occur. It is then necessary to take action to return to the reference. Action monitoring is therefore the most important tool of the project manager”.?
As a young consultant at the time, I was surprised by the value placed by a seasoned professional on this aspect of our profession. I have since made his maxim my own. Let’s explore together the many facets of action tracking to understand its full value and the best practices to adopt in this area.
Action categories
Let’s face it, the literature is rather thin on the subject. At most, it distinguishes between “corrective” actions to meet the requirements of the project management plan and “preventive” actions, constituting the essence of the risk management plan.???
In both cases, these actions will often aim at gathering information or coordinating work between stakeholders. Reducing uncertainty and optimising efforts is a constant concern for project managers.?
Note that all project processes generate actions. A project progress meeting that did not stop there would inevitably be flawed.
Associated tools
Numerous generative processes, multi-functional teams; action monitoring requires appropriate tools. A quick look at the key functionalities gives us an initial assessment of the solutions on the market.
One of the best tools on the market is the comprehensive RIDA from Perfony.
How it works
Two prerequisites to fulfil.
Simple but effective rules to follow.
For issues that cannot be dealt with by the usual channels, set up a working group or task force to steer a specific action plan. For this, specific guidelines should be followed:
Behavioural skills
Technique is not everything. Behavioural skills come into play when, after examining a status or a report, the situation materialises in the form of a decision-making or action.?
The following skills need to be developed to improve this aspect of project management:
The PMO is at the forefront of analysing project performance. They ensure that clear and analysed reports are available, actions are up to date and proposals are made for new subjects.?
Alongside the project manager, like a modern-day Sisyphus, he tirelessly pushes the DEMING cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act, Plan, Do, Check, Act… with a happier ending, however, the success of the project is at the top of the hill!?
At eocen, we are convinced that the added value of a PMO service is not limited to the quantity of deliverables provided. Enabling decision making and monitoring of priority actions are the oil in the wheels of the project process and daily quality assurance. And for a project manager, this is priceless.?