Action Step #23: Be Authentic
LaTonya Davis, JD
CEO and Keynote “4C in the C Suite”??Founder, Ai Innovators: Community, 12 Academies, 30 Entrepreneurship Courses | Board of Directors and Global DEI Leader with award winning frameworks??Host, Autism Moms Podcast
In the past week I have had a few people reach out to me and say, "How can I help you? How can I support your business?" It is good to hear and it is one of the reasons I started #iamblacktalent as a campaign. First, I wanted to represent that I am just that. I am top talent and have been so my whole career. Secondly, I wanted non-Black folx to learn how to move equity. When you honor Black talent, you can make different moves around how to support us. Thirdly, I want Black talent to elevate in their own space. We are doing amazing things and we can all learn how to do it better. Today I will focus on point # 2. In other words, how can you help amplify equity for us.
Authentically connect. While I am fortunate to have people reach out to me authentically, there are people who want to simply promote a service or product randomly to my inbox. For example, "LaTonya, I can write your book for you. Reach out to..." The person never acknowledged who I am, who they are, but you want to write my book. In life and in business, you make impact by the way you connect with people. Take the time to invest in reading our profiles, visiting our websites and reading previous posts to get a better understanding of who we are and what our message is. Do it differently.
Authentically understand our stories. Really take the time to hear what we are talking about. Anyone can google information about us a group, but have you ever thought about asking us 1:1 about our stories? So many people put information right here on this platform and yet, it stays there. You did not take the next step and understand the story of the colleague on your team, in your department, etc. I call it the invisible effect. You act as though you don't see us. When you engage with us, you will see the similarities, but you will also see the differences that help you to understand why equity matters. It is time to make a change.
Authentically audit you. It is important to learn your connection to race and racism. This is a good thing even though it is not an easy task. Take time to revisit your past and investigate how your thoughts and behaviors have began and how they have changed now. Consider you and folx who did not look like you. If you want to go deeper, reach out to former Black co-workers or family who will give you insight on you. Be open. Have a plan for how you will engage in authenticity. In order to do this work with us, you have to do the work for you.
Authentically refer us for opportunities. I have received opportunities because non-Black people referred me to speak and led workshops on many topics ranging from K-12 ed to inclusion. How many of you have referred more than 10 Black folx for open positions this year? How many of you intentionally reached out to Black businesses for opportunities? Do you have group that could invite us to join and learn about paid opportunities for Black talent? If you don't see us there, it's time to correct the imbalance. There is too much Black talent out here that is being overlooked. Don't believe me. Ask a black business owner about our journey and what we believe you can do to support. Use your privilege to interrupt inequity right in your city. Be intentional about equity.
Authentically engage more on platforms. I think it is great to follow people you respect, but I have noticed that some of you follow less Black talent compared to others. Why is that? I'm sure there are more topics related to your field that you would like to learn our perspective. Am I wrong? For those you choose to follow know that we can gain more mileage by the way you engage with us. Considering doing more than looking at our post from afar. The algorithm allows us to reach more people when you comment and like. So amplify us more.
Authentically advocate at the right time. Did you know that many places still do not honor Juneteenth and give employees the day off? It is a national holiday and folx went on like it was not a big deal. The fact that this day commemorates the end of enslavement and some of us had to actually work on this day is kind of ironic. Holidays are one area, but there are other missed opportunities right in your space that you are handed to daily to ally and advocate, but don't. Speak up about salary, help the DEI committee, question why Black talent is not present on your team, respond to a direct micro aggression, discuss how to source differently, etc. Let's not let another opportunity pass to lend a hand to equity.
So why you? The numbers suggest that you can make some things happen. Yes, you can do it alone, but we can't. It's not as easy for us. So what's taking you so long?
Connection Question: What are some ways you have already demonstrated authenticity at work or on LinkedIn?
Action Step: Be authentic
I am LaTonya Davis, CEO and founder of and I love speaking and the power of the pen to change perspectives, practices and policies in companies, schools and nonprofits. Thank you for reading, liking, commenting and sharing with your network.