And - ACTION!!!

And - ACTION!!!

Summary of Last Week’s Newsletter (3rd Article: Reach)

Last week, we talked about Reaching out —the importance of networking and finding your tribe when you’re going through change. It was all about authenticity and building lasting connections with people who share your values, goals, and vision. I encouraged you to network like you’re seeking a marriage proposal—be intentional, show people who you really are, and focus on creating meaningful relationships. We also covered the importance of finding a mentor—someone who’s been through it all and can guide you through your own journey.

Now that you’ve found your tribe and armed yourself with the right support, it’s time to take the next big step.

Implementation – (One Foot Forward)

Now we’re moving into Implementation, where it’s time to stop planning and start doing. You’ve done the research, built your network, and learned from the right people. Now, you put one foot forward and take action on the changes you’ve been preparing for.

The big question to ask yourself in this stage is: “What’s the worst that can happen?” This question is your safety net. It reminds you that most fears are exaggerated and, even if things go wrong, it’s not the end of the world. So, take a deep breath and jump in.

As you implement these changes, remember to relax and enjoy the process. Yes, you’ll face resistance—whether from yourself or from others giving you contradictory advice. This is normal, so don’t let it derail you. Trust your instincts, take your time, and move forward with confidence.

While you’re in this action stage, be kind to yourself. Pace your expectations. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the newness, but the goal here is to keep that sense of excitement, energy, passion, and enthusiasm alive. Burnout is not what we’re aiming for. There’s no right or wrong way to implement change the first time. What matters is that you take that step, even if it’s small.

Here’s a little truth bomb: you will probably fail a few times. And that’s not only normal, but it’s also necessary. It would be strange if everything went perfectly on your first attempt. The important thing is that you try. Every time you try, you’ll learn valuable lessons, and next time you’ll be even better prepared.

As you push through this stage, keep your end goal in sight. Remember why you started in the first place. And don’t forget to reward yourself along the way! Whether it’s something small like your favourite chocolate or treating yourself to a binge-watch session after completing your tasks, give yourself something to look forward to. These little rewards help you stay motivated.

I highly recommend creating a to-do list and ticking things off as you go. Each tick gives you an instant dopamine hit—a small but powerful motivation boost to keep going even when you feel like you have nothing left to give. You will feel accomplished, and it will help you stay focused on what’s to come.

I hope you enjoyed this part of the Cha-Cha-Cha dance – next week we completed our dance with Reflection.

Feel free to like, comment and share with your network.

Much love as always, x


