Hello Loves,
How are You feeling now in this moment?
Does your body feel fluid or do you notice some tightness? Is your belly speaking to you? Are the voices in your head sharing some loving or judgmental thoughts??
These are some simple ways to BE aware of where you're at on the LOVE spectrum... To know whether you are flying on a high vibration feeling, or not.?
And if you find that you're not in such a loving space when checking in... You give yourself the opportunity to change your energy / attitude and maybe even notice a change in the environment around you when you do. If you have a moment in this awareness to sit quietly and ponder, I invite you to LISTEN HERE for support :)
As I shared in last month's newsletter... Ask yourself this one question in any experience:
It is a simple gauge to bring you back to your HEART CENTERED self! Your TRUE self :)
These are ACTIONS I take every day to continue returning to my center. When perceived challenges arise I tune into my body and become curious. I tune into my mind to see what the voices are saying on loop in the background and ask if what they are saying is true. And usually, they're not true at all.
Sometimes, I choose to ignore all of it and continue doing or saying what I know does not serve me in the moment and get curious or judgmental after... This really doesn't help very much in moving forward AND at times is part of the process of evolution. We have to make mistakes to know what we don't want, so we can start asking for what we do want.
BEing Human does not have only one manual that tells you how to do it all... We each have our own blueprint... BEing Human can feel messy, scary, hard as f*ck, and downright undesirable!?
For me... at the end of each day, I know I want to wake up and do it again because I experience soooo much LOVE that it outweighs the above!
The last couple of months, I have been ignoring some signs about my health and acting in alignment with things that would help me to grow (i.e. exercising, meditating, creating and reaching out to new people more). This pattern of avoidance (fear of succeeding) landed me in the hospital with a small intestinal flare that is healing and that caused some disruption in my routine. Which is good... because the current routine or pattern is no longer serving. The experience is really encouraging (pushing) me to get out of this old energy. I'm out and healing well... No worries. My intestines just happen to be the gauge that reminds me to come back to center when I get off the path.?
As I ponder the things I didn't do and why... I remember that when I don't choose to do or say what feels fluid or loving in my body, I am projecting this energy out into the environment. And, by Law of Attraction, I am getting back exactly what I'm putting out there.
These are just a few of the things that come to mind.
The best part about BEing Human is that we get to look at all of this stuff and FEEL into it ALL... even the stuff that doesn't feel "good" so we can move forward in a new way. We get to CHOOSE and CHANGE until things feel aligned again! We get to create new experiences according to how we choose to feel and think in any situation... That is just so cool to me!?
Sometimes this feels hard to see when you're in the middle of it, but this is truly how we evolve into the next version of our selfs (mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically). We must feel it ALL in order to know what is true for our self.
When I'm working in the prisons, with veterans, and at-risk youth, I share about my personal experiences and the challenges that I feel currently or have felt in the past. I do my best to be vulnerable and open the space for EveryOne to do the same. Again, reminding myself that they are only perceived challenges and that I am able to choose something different and new in any moment. As we all share our stories during the healing sessions, I get to witness people consider something new and different as they get curious about the information that we all put into the circle. I get to witness them feeling SEEN and HEARD in a safe, nurturing space that we create as a commUnity and it is Brilliant! Meeting people where they're at in the moment without judgment is key. The opportunity to work with these communities helps me to be the best version of me as well. Each person brings their own message or frequency to relate and allow others to feel relatable. This is how we support people through the limiting beliefs so they are able to believe and trust in their Self. Sound Healing helps them to clear any energy of those limiting beliefs from their bodies and minds so they are able to start practicing new ways of BEing.
Recently, I noticed a shift in the efforts that people are putting into the classes by completing the assignments more consistently. I notice the more effort I put into bringing some new things to class the more people are willing to participate. It's like asking or telling someone what would be helpful for them to do to make life easier, but not choosing to do the same for yourself. We must walk the talk if we want to encourage "others" to be the best version of their self. We must be the change we wish to see in the world and keep tweaking it until it reflects back our heart desire :)
So, I remember that we are ALL doing our best in each moment and recognize when I feel more in-tune by the way I feel that my environment reflects that back to me too. I know the Universe is ALWAYS conspiring with Us!?
I Love You and Thank You for tuning in here with me every month! I appreciate you ALL so very much!
If you have the means and it resonates, please consider clicking on one of the links below to donate to my non-profit The Adara Collective. Any amount helps! The organization is now established and sharing 5-7 classes per week in 5 Prisons, 2 Alternative High Schools, and will begin sharing in the Juvenile Detention Centers in March! We are even looking at some virtual options for the facilities that are too far to drive to. The classes are serving 150-200 people per month and we are getting more requests to offer workshops in other locations. Please support if you're able :)
Beginning in March, those that make a one-time donation will receive a complimentary sound healing recording!?
Those that choose to support with a monthly sponsorship will receive a monthly themed sound healing meditation with with a journal prompt. Each month's gift will support self-awareness and growth into the best version of You! Rest and Restoration programmed into each recording... of course... because that's how we quiet that mind in order to reset that nervous system and gain clear vision of how to move forward :)
I look forward to connecting with Y'all soon and?Wish You All the Best!
CLICK HERE?to View the Website and Click the DONATE BUTTON on the site
CLICK HERE?to Make a Donation Online and/or Become a MONTHLY SPONSOR with Perks!
CLICK HERE to Make a Donation through the PayPal Giving Fund if you have a Paypal Account and donate here, there are no fees for donating!
Inquire about CORPORATE DONATIONS and MATCHING (Receive the Gift of a Virtual or In-Person Sound Healing Meditation Workshop)
AND... You can still find all the information for PUBLIC GROUP SESSIONS on the Agada Energy Healing website under the?commUnity page!