Action-Centric Concept of Effective Plan Execution
As part of the empirical research over the past 23 years, the overall model above was developed as a tool in explaining the interconnection between key elements that form the whole idea under action value theme.
While working at a U.S. manufacturing company in Rayong province, the ControllerFOCUS concept was created from experiences gained during the 5 year period as a plant controller. A number of books in Thai and English were written under this concept.
During my doctorate degree study, the concept of natural change was developed under the name of "Exdysivity". It was reiterated by emphasizing the importance of value of an action taken. I was fortunate to have a chance to work with a global Japanese company where my thought had been extended through understanding of small group activity. This led to my concept of modified QC which was the topic under my dissertation.
With my struggling in finding a new model to serve the rapid changing environment, the combination of both concepts was done under the new model of "Action Grid." In fact, this still requires a lot of work to make it practical for others. However, I have been practising this ideas throughout my working experiences without noticing it.
The change concept was further enhanced after knowing the concept of Atammayata taught by Than Ajarn Buddhadasa in 2022. This has helped enhance the whole concept in respect of change and transformation aspect.
With the challenges from AI and new technology, this idea has been further developed considering the furture job replacement and possibility to see a new economic paradigm shift. Human actions may be so important that they can be exchanged financially and economically.
This is just the start, and I am glad to have a chance to present my new paper on this subject at the upcoming SIBR 2024 Bangkok Conference during 30-31 March 2024.
Thanks and have a nice day.