Is Action the Best Remedy?

Is Action the Best Remedy?

Not knowing what to do is one of the scariest things a determined person might face.

And on top of this, being in the banking world truly teaches you to be very action-oriented: you are measured by the results you produce and you act based on deadlines imposed by the organization or even by yourself.

So, when you start to feel that your career satisfaction can be improved, you most naturally default into action mode.

Now, not only do I understand why you do that (it's your auto-pilot mode taking over!), but I also appreciate that action will be required to make some changes to your career, in your search for your feeling of accomplishment.

However, is an action the best thing to do as soon as you contemplate that a career change (even if just a small one) could benefit you?

Or is actually standing still and figuring out what is the change that you are craving FIRST, before you do anything else, the best way to go about it?

If you've answered yes to the second question, you are right!


If you get into your car, without a destination in mind, two things can happen: either you don't even start the car as you are unable to decide where you want to go OR you start driving, choosing a random path, and you end up nowhere good.

The same thing is valid for your career.

If you are not 100% clear on what you are looking to achieve, i.e. what is the change that you want to make, you won't be able to reach the goal of feeling motivated and with a sense of purpose (which is your ultimate goal).

What you'll get instead is potentially several interviews for a similar type of role (that most likely doesn't excite you, as it's very similar to what you do now) or you try a bunch of different things, like asking people around you what to do, or google what type of career could make you happy, or read inspirational quotes about being happier at work, which in reality lead you nowhere.

And I know the above to be a fact because I did it all! ??

I've randomly sent dozens of CVs to jobs that I was qualified for on paper before I decided that I wanted to be a coach!

I also bought books and watched several TED talks about career changes and career fulfilment and how to regain a sense of purpose.

And let me tell you... none of the above helped in the slightest!


What helped me was:

? To stop and ask myself: what is it that I truly want out of my career?

? To overcome the fear I had about leaving the banking industry so that I could start to think outside the 'banking bubble'.

? To let go of the guilt I was feeling for letting go of a stable job to pursue my dream of being an entrepreneur and follow my heart.

? To learn how to ditch the noise around me and focus on my happiness, and not on what looks good on paper.

So, let me ask you this: do you know what you want to do with your career and have the confidence to just do it?

If you're struggling with any of the points above, then I have exactly what you need!

The FREE Masterclass: (How to Become) Unapologetically Ambitious

Where I will teach you how to define success on your terms and do it free of fear or guilt!

You can quickly register to attend the free training using the link below - hope to see you there!

[FREE] Masterclass: Unapologetically Ambitious

P.S. - A link to watch the replay will also be sent to everyone who registers.


