Action #2. Expand Your Circle of Trust
LaTonya Davis
Award Winner-The Autism Academy | Leading Best Practices in Workplaces, Schools and Homeschools | Naturalistas Academy~Beauty, Curls and Business????
This week I celebrate another birthday and what a blessing it is!! The thing is that my birth certificate lists me as "Negro." Can you imagine? I still get a little irritated when I think about it. From my vantage point, I was born in a system that already had a preference for Whiteness over Blackness. In fact, if you think back to your birth until now you can also see evidence of this same preference toward those who are White to the exclusion of those who are Black. You know, equity.
Here is an airtight activity for those of you who grew up in the U.S.:
I believe your answers will indicate that you and I have lived in a system of Whiteness for way too long. Until the murder of Mr. George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, Sandra Bland and laundry list of beautiful Black people killed some of you never thought about these questions for Black people. The reality is that my family, friends and colleagues do.
All of us must work to interrupt levels of racism that has led to this system of White dominance, supremacy and privilege. I know some people are tensing up at me using these words, but language gives us clarity and understanding of why inequities are happening. White privilege has been maintained its impact through inequitable practices and policies for some to the exclusion to others.
For those in the back who say, "Everyone has privilege." I agree. Yet, what you don't see is that the color of my skin even with my degrees has prevented me from being treated equitably, paid equitably and subjected to microaggressions and racism. Simply put, White privileges still trump the few privileges I have. You and I will not have the same experiences which is why it is key we continue our conversations. The more we talk (or read my newsletter) the more you understand how I need you to show up for me and others.
Let's stop doing the thing that feels easiest and less of a lift. Let's not ask schools, companies and organizations to do the work when you have not taken the time to learn stories of inequity right in your own backyard.
Question #2. Who currently resides in your circle of trust?
My answer: My circle is comprised of all generations, women, men, Black/African, Latino/Hispanic, White, Native Americans/Indigenous People, and Asian Americans, etc.
Action #2: Audit your connections on LinkedIn and who you follow. Is there imbalance of White v. Black? men v. women? The only way you will learn how to move closer to equity is to get to really know the people who need it.
The Equity Source?is the space that turns likes into action and viewers into doers.?I am CEO and founder of LaTonya Davis Consulting, LLC. I enjoy keynote speaking, 1:1 coaching and the power of the pen. Thank all of you for subscribing. Visit to see my new work.