Act Quickly: Recognizing Stroke Warning Signs with BE FAST
? Time is Brain: Recognizing Stroke Warning Signs ?
When it comes to stroke, every second matters. Today, we're shining a light on recognizing the warning signs and taking swift action to save lives using the BE FAST acronym.
?? The Science Speaks: Recent studies emphasize the urgency of early recognition and intervention when a stroke occurs. The severity of a stroke can be reduced significantly depending on the time of action once it occurs.
How to recognize if someone around you is having a stroke? Look out for these signs, remember the acronym "BE FAST"
?? B is for Balance: Loss of balance, sudden dizziness, or difficulty walking could be a warning sign.
??? E is for Eyes: Sudden vision changes, like blurred or double vision, are another indicator of stroke.
?? F is for Face: Facial drooping, an uneven smile, or numbness on one side of the face is one of the common signs that individuals often notice. This could be a sign of a stroke, please seek medical help if you witness this.
?? A is for Arms: Weakness or numbness in one arm is another indicator. Sudden weakness in one arm is usually indicative of a stroke happening, it may or may not progress to the whole side.
??? S is for Speech: Difficulty speaking, slurred speech, or trouble understanding others are common stroke symptoms. Majority of strokes that result in upper arm weakness are accompanied by speech difficulties due to paralysis of vocal and oromotor muscles.
?? T is for Time: Time is brain when a stroke occurs. Studies show that patients who arrived at the hospital within 3 hours of their stroke symptoms had less disability at 3 months compared to those who arrived later.
What You Can Do: Learn the BE FAST acronym - Balance, Eyes, Face, Arms, Speech, Time - and remember that calling for help immediately can make the difference between recovery and long-term disability.
Spread the word, share this information, and together, let's make sure that we all know how to recognize the warning signs and act BE FAST in the face of a stroke. It could save a life. ??
#StrokeAwareness #Health #BEFAST #StrokeRecognition