Act Quick to define your Audience Marketing Strategy: nowadays no single marketing strategy suits for all audiences

Act Quick to define your Audience Marketing Strategy: nowadays no single marketing strategy suits for all audiences

The broad-based mass marketing of just 10 years ago has become very inefficient, and even obsolete, compared to today’s audience-centric marketing. Audience marketing, where specific customer segments can be targeted in a proactive and interactive manner, is enabled by modern communications channels, particularly social media platforms, and can offer better ROI.

These promotional channels are highly diversified, almost instantly reaching self-selected differentiated audiences, unlike non-diversified traditional media such as television, newspapers and even magazines. Indeed, three out of four social media leads are generated from mobile devices. 

These reasons are why the volume of content being published by businesses is steadily increasing year after year, although companies are still in the early stages of learning how to most effectively produce content, and engage their audiences. 

When leveraging the potential of audience marketing, you should very clearly define your target audience with concrete profiles, and be sure to create the right kind of communities matching your business. These will help ensure your marketing messages effectively reach your targeted audience. 

For example, marketers are spending 500% more on Millennials than all demographics combined, while Millennials are themselves segmented into four distinct sub-groups. Experts also feel video content is probably the best way to reach some of these sub-groups. 

Marketing messages should not be delivered through a top-down approach. Rather, an embedded bottom-up approach, avoiding overly direct hard-selling, is more likely to bring better results. 

Because it is important to properly tailor marketing messages for maximum effectiveness, content production is a crucial component of audience marketing, and your business must act as its own “publisher” that serves the messages to your targeted audience. 

Above all, it is essential to keep in mind that capturing an audience, whether they are subscribers, fans or followers of your company content, is just the first step. You can easily lose your audience, because your competition is always just a click away from the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” buttons. 

Your audience is a precious business asset, and must be retained through an ongoing process that gives them the content they want to keep receiving, across multiple platforms and channels, so that they can keep being your customers over the long term.


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