Act out your own story in a drama play corner
European EducationAll Group
Innovative Resources & Solutions for Early Years Education | Empowering Learning through Play
Like a miniature of a fairy tale world, drama always gets kids obsessed in the scenarios with vivid settings and funny characters.
Children are naturally imitators. Like Maria Montessori insisted that “a child is a careful observer who is particularly attracted to adult behavior and then imitates them.” In a short play, they can pretend to be someone else, or even animals.
Welcome to the dramatic play center! Several steps help to program a successful drama. ?
Settings – stage
A proper stage to perform offers a relatively real situation for children. By simply erecting a Puppet Theatre, you can start your show readily!
Drama can take place anywhere. No worry starting a play in a small classroom. Just take out the small sized theater.
Performers – puppets
Children prefer animals so much. Wear Hand Puppets, you are cute animals now. Ready to roar as a tiger or hop like a rabbit, and the drama begins.
Curtain call – storage
A successful show can’t do without lots of props, so storing them in order is essential. Items can be put in categories, thus it’s easy to check for next use. Shelves are good options.
Multiple choices in shelves satisfy different needs in classroom. The 9-space shelf enables classification easily and the both-sided shelves make it more available to reach things.
Each child is the director of his own “drama”. Stimulate them to imitate, encourage them to show, and enjoy their performances.
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