Act Now for Long-Term Wellness

Act Now for Long-Term Wellness

I’d like to share some thoughts about long-term wellness. Since we’re only given one body to work with, we should treat it with great care and attention.?Many people buy a new car and focus for years on its care and maintenance to maximize it performance and longevity, and yet many fail to provide the same level of focus and care for their own miraculous bodies. ?Just as a car will begin to reveal signs of poor care and maintenance in both its appearance and performance, so too we will age less gracefully and perform at less than optimum levels without consistent care. ?Fortunately, our bodies and minds have tremendous healing power, so it is never too late to begin establishing consistent habits to maximize our long-term wellness and enable us to look and perform at our best.

Nutrition is so important because health research has shown that we truly “are what we eat”.?But good nutrition is also one of the most difficult aspects of long-term wellness to master because of our emotional ties to eating.?Advancements in food science are no less impressive than many other technological advancements in our society, resulting in an abundance of high-quality products and supplements to nurture our health.?We are also blessed with an abundance of affordable fresh and nutritious food.?But in our daily approach to eating, it is difficult to avoid the convenience of processed food, the barrage of marketing ploys for unhealthy food, and the emotional reasons for consuming certain foods over others.?

One way to gain control and discipline over our nutrition is to adopt the mindset of “food is fuel”.?That doesn’t mean we can’t take liberties to enjoy food comforts now and then, but generally we should give our body what it needs for optimum performance. It takes discipline and mindset to view our nutrition this way, but I’ve found that the brain has a way of adjusting to new habits that serve the body.?In the past year I’ve transitioned to a plant-based diet to address some health challenges, and while it was hard to give up some food favorites, I’m amazed at how delicious plant-based eating can be and how I miss certain meat and dairy products less and less as time goes on.?You don’t need to make changes as dramatic as this, but limiting junk food, fast food, fried food, and processed food in general is important to clean up your nutrition and advance your long-term wellness.

I believe that healthy morning and evening routines are also key to long-term wellness.?This is something everyone needs to figure out for themselves as far as what works best but moving your body must be included. For me it means getting outdoors every morning and enjoying fresh air with a walk or run. My husband also exercises each morning but typically indoors on a bike or elliptical.?Three days out of the week we exercise together lifting weights to music. The key is to find some form of exercise you enjoy and build it into your morning or evening routine so that your body is moving every day.

Other key components of your morning and evening routines should include habits that address your spiritual and emotional wellness.?Taking time to meditate, journal, or read are all examples of daily habits to exercise your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations to advance long-term wellness.?These are all effective methods to address the daily stress we encounter which is a silent threat to our long-term wellness. ??Other ways to manage stress which can be built into our morning or evening routine include yoga, music, an Epsom salt bath, or lighting a candle.?Develop routines around these types of activities that force you to look inward rather than subjecting yourself to additional stress looking outward.

Of course, prayer is also a big part of my morning routine and helps me stay focused on gratitude and purpose.?I take time each morning to be in the word of God and have participated in a morning women’s bible study for over seventeen years.?Maintaining a daily commitment to my faith is a constant blessing, especially in times of trouble and uncertainty, and key to my foundation for wellness.

In terms of our physical well being there is one more thing that is equal in importance to nutrition and exercise: sleep. ?Entire books have been written on this subject but having a bedtime routine that prepares you for sleep and getting enough sleep cannot be overstated.?We can do everything right in terms of exercise and nutrition but if our body is not getting proper sleep and the opportunity to regenerate, we cannot perform at an optimal level.?Figure out a routine that allows you to get to sleep each night at a consistent hour with the proper reduction of stimulus as you near bedtime.

The final ingredients to an effective plan for long-term wellness is spending quality time with family and friends and engaging in laughter frequently.?Let people know how much they mean to you and invest in those relationships. I love spending time with family and friends who make me laugh. I similarly try to bring joy into their lives because it is so beneficial to laugh.

As you continue your growth journey be thinking about your own long-term wellness plan.?Foster an appreciation for the miracle that you are and how you can best fuel your mind and body for optimum living. ?I’ve shared the things that I focus on, and they work well for me.?Find out what works for you and develop routines that serve your long-term wellness as opposed to quick fixes or fads.??If you need any help or assistance in this area, please reach out and schedule a free consultation to discuss your plans and ideas. I’m rooting for you.


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