Act Certainly On Uncertainty
credit: NASA

Act Certainly On Uncertainty

Sharing my TedX Beacon Street Talk (which was also a 23/5 talk at this year's AMS) Love to hear your reactions:

Paul Walker

Global Leader | Chief Operating Officer Kynetec | Board Advisor

5 年

Fascinating insight into a new topic for me. So applicable to our world - decisions from data need to be taken as they are rarely, if ever, given.

William Eaton

Retired Machine operartor

9 年


Edward L.

Founder and CEO, MerriviewhillPet, LLC

9 年


Eileen B.

Retired from P&G and Kolar Design

9 年

Uncertainty, imperfect data, best estimates, etc are often over looked because we like to think of ourselves as not making mistakes; and if we act too quickly based on current information, we may be proven wrong. Our own human nature stands in our way at times. Taking on the leadership role in making decisions when you have a 10% chance of being wrong should not be seen as a challenge. After all, you have a 90% chance of being right! Great use of analogies to bring the home the points.

Ned Wiley

Counselor Emeritus at Independent Consultant

9 年

"Act certainly on uncertainty": very well said! The one problem is Humans seem hardwired to do the exact opposite. What else can explain why anyone would play a lottery, where the authorities are required to say, "Your chances of winning are less than one in a billion", and yet people do. People still smoke, still do things where there is not the slightest shadow of a doubt of the consequences, but do them anyway. Why? I submit, because they WANT TO BELIEVE. So no matter how good your predictions, no matter how much data your process, they will still go out there into that ice storm....



