Act Accordingly
Vance G. Larson CHt
Consultant, Coach & Advisor- A healthier version of you is waiting.
There is a great line from the movie The Departed. The owner of a bar is leaving and asked a patron how his mother was doing? The patron said "She's on her way out." To which the owner said, "We all are. Act accordingly." And then he left. What I love about that simple exchange is, time is limited. Behave.?
I mean really. What is the incentive not to behave? I know a lot of people who have endured a lot of trauma. Yet, they wake up every morning and try to find the goodness. And that my friends is a powerful affirmation. I know it can be a hard choice to make. I know that you may even be justified?in holding onto anger, pain or resentment. But I believe we must resist the temptation to embrace those things. Yes, feel them. Work though them. Then choose you, every day thereafter.?
The world can be unfair, cold and unrelenting. For those reason alone, why wouldn't you want to leave it better than you got it? Why pile pain on top of pain? Extend a little mercy. Show a little kindness. Overrun the fear with favor. The pain with prayer. The despair with devotion. This is how we heal. This is how we dispel the darkness.?
You may be lonely, but you deserve love. And if you can't find it, show it...not only for others, but for yourself. Get out of your head. Start living. Find what is safe for you, and then expand. Yes the world can be brutal, and the past can be a bitch. So advocate for you. Meditate for you. Elevate for you. Wake up every morning and choose you. Because you deserve so many blessings. And it all starts when you act accordingly.?