Vouchers Pass Texas Senate
Raise Your Hand Texas
Reinventing public education for the future - because the future of Texas is in our public schools.
One Thing to Do: Listen to Experts Discuss the Biggest Public Education Issues in the 89th Session
Listen to the latest Intersect Ed podcast. Last week, Intersect Ed host Morgan Smith was joined by Jaden Edison, public education reporter at The Texas Tribune, Scott Braddock, editor at Quorum Report.com, Edward McKinley, Austin Bureau reporter for the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News, and Bob Popinski, senior director of policy at Raise Your Hand Texas, to discuss the major public education issues of the 89th Legislative Session.
Three Things to Know: ?
1. Texas Senate Passes SB 2 - Voucher Bill?
The Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) with a vote of 19-12 on Wednesday night after almost eight hours of debate. There were nearly 40 amendments offered, with 20 amendments adopted, but in the end there were no major changes to the overall framework of the Education Savings Account program.?
There were several amendments of note that failed to be adopted, including an amendment that would have funded a hold harmless for public schools that lost enrollment due to the program, as well as amendments that would have required similar teacher certification standards, school safety requirements, financial disclosure, and curriculum transparency.??
Note: *Low income is defined as 500% of federal poverty guidelines or $160,750 household income for a family of four.
2. Governor Abbott Declares School Choice and Teacher Pay Emergency Items
Governor Abbott outlined seven emergency items during his State of the State last Sunday night, including:?
What is an emergency item?
According to the Texas Constitution, the House and Senate can’t pass legislation during the first 60 days of a regular session. There are only two exceptions: When four-fifths of either chamber votes to suspend that rule or if the governor declares the matter an emergency. This session's 60-day is March 14, 2025.
Governor Abbott also posted detailed recommendations for each emergency item, including teacher pay, expanding career training, school choice, and property tax relief.? The recommendations include:?
Teacher Pay:
Expanding Career Training:?
School Choice:
Property Tax Relief:
3. President Trump Issues Executive Order on Redirecting Federal Funds for Private School Vouchers
Last week, President Trump signed an executive order that will eventually direct federal grants and discretionary funding away from public schools, redirecting the funds towards private school vouchers.?
The order directs the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to repurpose funds from public schools, childcare providers, and nonprofit organizations for the benefit of private schooling and homeschooling initiatives. The exact mechanism for how these funds will be redirected—without Congressional approval—remains uncertain.?
The order gives the education secretary 60 days to issue guidance on how federal funds will be used for educational choice, with the Department of Health and Human Services tasked with exploring how childcare block grants might be used to support educational alternatives within 90 days.?
President Trump also signed a separate executive order aimed at defunding schools that teach what he refers to as “discriminatory equity ideology” or “gender ideology.”?