Across the doorstep
Author: LEO
The bar in the centre of the room looks like a carousel with horses going round to the music sound. LEO, is sitting at the bar sipping on his cocktail with the mint so strong it makes his eyes squint. Then at the edge of the carousel the bar still in place, appears a man young and free yet his beard speaks of Mathusalem, ingrained in the mountain …
The man now stares with amazement at the lady on the other side of the bar … with her tiny frame and a juggler in the making he is mesmerised by her beauty … a beauty only the soul can see. From the other side of the doorstep he dares to enter the carousel the bar still in place. With determination he walks to the bar the carousel still in place, touches her hand and says … ” I have never seen your face”. If silence could speak a thousand words in this moment love found its place…it has travelled over sea and water healing a dying person the moment love found its place.
The lady on the other side of the bar, the juggler in the making looked at this bearded man. LEO could see that love found its place the carousel still going round to the music sound. The man with the bearded face now takes her hand and plunges a promise on her finger. The lady on the other side of the bar looks at him with such tenderness, she accepts the promise to forever be by his side until the end of worlds …
LEO with a tear in his eye gets off the carousel with the bar still in place, his heart warm love conquered this space. Can LEO ever be the same again?