Acouwood and UQAC, Canada

Acouwood and UQAC, Canada

After a relaxing summer Acouwood is back at work with full speed. However, this autumn are special for us @Acouwood, since the staff is not only working in diffenet places in Sweden / Europe but also in different Continents. Erik Nilsson is attending PhD courses in UQAC in Chiqoutimi in Canada (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) | which are mandatory for his PhD studies. So until December he is only available for consultancy work after lunch in Europe. It is a temporary loss in Sweden but we are confident that the company will gain further invaluable knowledge and an extended international network from another leading wood building country. And the good thing is that European consultancy work can be done during late evening from Canada. This UQAC cooperation is a natural step for Acouwood to further build the knowledge, necessary to continue to lead the development of acoustics in wood buildings. Good luck Erik!

Finalement s se le vait le DnAT ?




