'Acoustic and Vibrational Osteology' - How, What You Think and Say, is 'Remembered' by Your Bones.
darren bayett mifm sovereign man
Closely behind one's thought-form energy, your vocal chords are the most important organs in the your body. So stop moaning and talking so much crap! Now! Stop it!
What am I talking about?
The human Larynx and the vocal chambers resonate all that we are....by recording the charge of all that we say.
All matter is an Acoustic Expression.
This illusion you call life is at the reductionist reality an acoustic premise - A Sound Garden. Our illusory state is primarily a 'Grand Symphonic Arrangement'. The easiest way to simulate anything is to illustrate it via a wave or an "Acoustic" or "Octaval Premise". Oscilloscopic pings are all there is. At the sub-Quantum level all that exists is a 'hum'; a vibration, a 'Word', a 'Sound'. And from this Sound emanates all sounds and all light and all imagery and all drama we call life.
Thus everything that exists after the primary or primordial or formative sound is further sound - derivative sound. As one moves further from the primordial sound the 'illusion of separateness begins'. If we add emotion or subjectivity to the 'derivative sound' we obtain or beget light and imagery. Nonetheless all that stands afore us is a grand Holographic Acoustic Illusion. To manipulate or adjust all that resides within the constructs of the primordial sound and matter universe, one needs to re-calibrate or harmonise with or within the primordial sound using mental 'harmonic arrangements'. Done sufficiently well, with the correct amplitude, frequency and 'intention and attention', one can hack the human 'DNA Operating System' to harmonise effectively enough to communicate with the primordial sound.
Human Bones - Osteology. [3]
Human (and all species with bones and exoskeletons) skeletons are porous. They have mini-chambers; that is they comprise of minute 'sound or musical chambers', where all sounds are echoed and cached by the body. Osteology is the study of bones - yet we are moving further down the pathway to understanding cognitive resonance therapies and re-calibration techniques. Firstly however humans need to understand that their voices, and their words carry electromagnetic charge and frequency and amplitude and resonance. If either or all of these variables contain non-harmonic 'ingredients' the resonant entropy stored by the skeleton and all 'bone chambers' hold such memory and disturb physical and psychological efficacy in humans.
Chiropathy is widely acknowledged as the premise for well-being and preventative 'medicine' (unlike traditional medicine which is symptomatic and which only serves to treat symptoms.) Bones, through their re-alignment and their manipulation holds much promise of well-being, but this largely only 'goes halfway'. The internal resonance of bones are governed by the owner of the bones and what they conduct through their vocal chords. Voicing constant negativity, and 'negative' emotional charge throughout ones life effects the chambers of the bones dramatically. So real is this 'charge-based entropy', that the constant resonant echo of bones can disturb the DNA further. People that moan, complain, argue, and or are depressed are perpetrating the furtherance of their negative bone dis-harmonic entropy so much so that death follows these persons far quicker than people that do not.
All matter stores resonance; for all is 'Primordial Acousticism' by design, and by origin.
Violins are 'Alive'.
Scientists have been studying Stradivarius violins for decades. [2]. They are focusing on many aspects, yet the most obvious is as Occam's might say loud and clear. Sub-atomic particles in violins and the micro-chambers in the Maple wood are 'filled' and vivified by the constant playing of the violins. Like human bones the Maple wood has 'micro chambers'. And these particles and their octave and resonance quality remain 'alive and contribute to the constant high degree of sound or acoustic quality IF PLAYED CONSTANTLY WITHOUT EXTENDED PERIODS OF THEM NOT BEING PLAYED'. These particles remain 'compressed' or 'intentional' and 'focused' when the instrument is used often and beautiful music is emanated from them. But when the violin is shelved these particles are known to scatter and the vacancy is audible in tonal differences. It seems quite simply that all matter and non matter is alive and acoustically charged until it is not. We all know well that anything left to stagnate or left to the vagaries of inertia dies or radically degenerates (like metal to rust). However anything used constantly, or touched, or cleaned, or treated by movement remains in tact and useful often denying 'decay'. Nonetheless the message and the analogy of the violins for the purposes of this essay are twofold, 1. that the particles contribute to the sound, and 2. that the vibration chamber of the violin is stored by the wood and effects the resonance of the instrument.
Humans thus have bones and micro-chambers therein storing a multitude of sounds made from inside of them and from outside of them. Both the quality and quantity of these sounds are stored. All sounds around us create 'cache or bone resonance'. Residing in a city surrounded by noise and dereliction is stored inside of us. Living within the bounds of city 'electrosmog' or WIFI technologies is stored inside of us effecting our bone resonance and our DNA's ability to hack itself. Worse, and the primary message of this paper, is that what we say, what we constantly say to ourselves to other's and to the 'universe' is too stored by the bone 'micro-chambers'. People spend most of their time bitching and moaning - this defines them literally. It is easily measured that cancer patients have psychological history of anger and distress that created adverse osteological resonance. [1]
The 'quality' of our bones resonant memories (bone RAM or cache), that is, the electromagnetic charge quality (either 'harmonical' and beautiful - or dis-harmonic and terrible) effects out bodies and minds profoundly via being stored and 'remembered'.
An inexhaustible body of chronicled work exists notifying us of the effects of 'negative' ions produced by nature. And nature produces sounds totally different in electromagnetic quality and charge then do cities or people occupying them. Visiting the forests and parks and feeling the resultant harmonics is not a fallacy. Our bones and 'consciousness' are seeking these cycles of 'solitude and rejuvenation'. Fakirs, Yogis and transcendentalists have the world over preached the value of silence and solitude - or at least saying very little - and if anything must be said that it is said via a 'soft and kind tonality'. All humans need to understand silence and verbal restraint is most important in serving and servicing their 'bone cache'. Verbalising and emoting on constant sterile life-dramas is a musical performance your body can do without.
So humans cannot escape themselves. They carry a 'skeletal enemy' riddled and rhymed with resonance-charge created by their surrounding and indeed by their OWN thoughts. The Kesdjan body (Gurdjieff) battles to tolerate this if the thought-form charges perpetrates an intolerable human symphonic residue. The aural emanations of humans are directly consequential to this Osteological conundrum. We can change it; hack it by changing the mind and its ability to resonate at a harmonic synthesis and symbiosis with nature mimicked perfectly buy the Binaural beats and Solfeggios. Masaru Emoto warns us of the further potential of the water present in the human body mass - where the same thought-form charge changes the harmonic nature of the 'human liquids at the quantum' level producing deformed Platonic Solids. .....'Alas, you are no longer beautiful snowflakes until you change your mind...and what you think and say..and how you say it.'
Do you understand - your bones are storing your every verbal utterance?
So shut up!
And if you cannot shut up - choose your words and tone nicely - or DIE and sad old bag of bones.
[1] https://www.amazon.com/Ears-Angels-Deena-Spear/dp/1401901875
[2] https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/may/21/scientists-find-secret-behind-sweet-sound-of-stradivarius-violins
[3] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-36841-0_708
[4] https://www.electricviolinshop.com/stratton-skull-5-standard-electric-violin-driftwood.html
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5 年Mate, best information I have ever received from you... And couldn't agree with you more.. That's what I love most about living in Scarborough is the silence..
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5 年well, there went?? three minutes I'll never get back....
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