ACO Readiness for DCE
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are looking more seriously at the Direct Contracting Entity (DCE) model as its structure ensures a great chance to achieve shared savings and normalizes revenue streams.
The same Medicare CCLF data set used by ACOs for 10 years will also be provided to participating DCE entities. So, it makes sense to use the Medicare ACO data (they already have) to model the ACO for DCE performance.
Top ACO Readiness for DCE Analysis:
- DCE Monthly Provider Patient Alignment Reconciliation Report: monthly reconciliation of actively aligned, actively aligned -newly added, removed, and deceased on a month-to-month basis using negotiated rate provided by client.
- DCE Performance Report: Estimated capitation payment based on 3% of benchmark, risk score, financial benchmark vs. actual spend and PQEM in-and-out-of-network.
- DCE PQEM Patient Level: In and out-of-network PQEM alignment code tracking.
- Preferred Provider Performance: Financial scorecard analysis of contracted preferred providers.
Join us March 11th to discuss ACO Readiness for DCE.
Kris Gates [email protected]