Acknowledging The Importance Of Intangibles
All Of Them
March 23, 2017 by Concierge Jo-Anna
It is absolutely heartbreaking that the supporters of the current administration cannot acknowledge the importance of intangibles. Perhaps because I have lived all over the world, propaganda is easier to recognize, since it does indeed exist in every country, including my own. But, at this point, it is glaringly apparent that it has not only occurred here in the last 18 months, but has been pervasively effective.
I’ve decided to try another tack when the insisters dismiss what is happening with the reasoning that propaganda is immeasurable & intangible.
So is love. And honor. And courage. And integrity. And compassion. These cannot be measured. Yet, these are the intangibles upon which we built a world power in less than 300 years. These are the elements of a civilized democracy.
When we hold up for glory & offer by public examples, that winning, even if you lie, cheat & bully, is all that matters, then you destroy the very best of who we are.
I am not na?ve, & have written previously on the delusion of the old white guard who think they made their fortunes being smarter or better than everyone else. In fact, they were robber barons, amassing great wealthy from everyone else’s efforts. The native Americans, immigrants, slaves, women & children they subjugated, bullying, bribing, blackmailing, & cheating those who could not protect & defend themselves. That has given the robber barons a delusional sense of superiority. A smug insistence that they know better. In fact, they simply had no moral compass & placed greed & power at the foundation of everything they orchestrated. What is frightening now, is that the world is smaller, & the robber barons from each powerful nation have all met, colluded & assured that only their little group should access the world’s bounty.
I am a 70’s baby, & an ex-Philly girl. I went out into the world believing I could do anything, humming the soundtrack from Rocky, & sure all my dreams were accessible. It is abjectly un-American that the great majority of Americans no longer feel they can aspire to better lives. That is what has created the rift, the fear, the anger. I get it, I am angry & afraid too. But, standing in a painted corner in the dark, & refusing to acknowledge the intangibles, all of them, will never help us regain our strength. If we cannot attest to a lie, a truth, right & wrong, morality & ethics as we have acknowledged them previously, we will relinquish the importance of what has always kept America great. If we allow this small group of robber barons to continue their scorching of everything that matters to people of intelligence, conscience, talent & honor, then we are not patriots. We can’t integrate, innovate, dream & succeed together as Americans, much less leaders of a fair, safe & free global society.
It is now clearly evident, is that in their delusional arrogance, when given free reign, the robber barons have made an ever-growing mess, leaving quite a discernible trail of wreckage, intangible, & apparent. The only talent they really have, have ever had, is the mastering of abusive & immoral deceptions it took to steal so much money from everyone else. Now that they can’t operate in subterfuge, it’s a blessing for us in disguise because they are unveiled for all to see. Please don’t let these be the idols we hold up for our children to emulate.
Queue the theme from Rocky please…I honor all the intangibles & am still an optimistic American.
?Concierge Jo-Anna@Corporate Caretaking?~All Rights Reserved
Concierge Jo-Anna~Communications Connector
7 年dear ms. morta,k many thanks for such a great reply & for continuing the dialogue. it really is, as you say, up to the everyday people who must forge on, no matter who controls what! ps-will talk soon. do you skype? i'd love a face-to-face, hate the phone-lol! moving to berlin. long story. bisous
Bedding Specialist at Macy's
7 年Leave your thoughts here… wow! Now tell me what you really think! I miss you. When are you moving to Paradise? All familiarity aside, it is the pharmaceutical giants that control the medical world. A world I have become very familiar with because I have a gravely ill child. It is a world that should not be navigated by the faint of heart. All I can say is that the voices of reason must fearlessly cut through the fog that the spin doctors create for the rich and powerful. It is you and I and all those like us who must stand up to the bullies because we can. It is our responsibility. We represent the little guy who can not or will not fight back. And, it is not about winning. It, like everything else, is about the journey. It is an honor to call you my friend.