Acknowledging the 3rd Party Workers by Dr. Zahid Faqir, PhD
Dr. Zahid Faqir, Ph.D
42,674 Followers,11,213,063 Impressions /yr, Management/HSEQ Advisor, Fauji Foundation, Ex-Power Sector, Textile Sector, Steel Sector, Facilities, Academia, Govt Sector/LA QMS/EMS/OHSMS/EnMS, Call for Engagements
Acknowledging the 3rd Party Workers is the most neglected chapter in most of the organisations that I know or have worked with. Its so cruel. specially bearing the fact that i have seen some of the age old regular employees wasting time and money of the organisation like dead dumbs and still surviving through back door diplomacy and or organisational politics.
And i would like to blame the HR Think Tanks who also become handicap in the hands of organisational politicians.
We all have often heard this word equal opportunity employer. But then many such equal opportunity employers are the biggest violators of the same. I also dont understand why diversity is limited for female workers. For instance i went to this world class retail store few days ago and saw a counter exclusive for females and then looked around but was never able to track a counter exclusive for males.
Injustices within organisations destroy organisations.
I really dont understand how can you expect a higher level of commitment from an employee who is on 3rd party with very little perks, allowances or comfort earning. Not only this but the way he is treated makes his life even worse. He is always looking for a change or a run. Sometime for a rob too. Many organisations dont expect their 3rd party workers to even sit, stand or eat with their regular employees. This create huge trust deficits. The workers morale is always at low. Imagine a regular employee getting a red wing safety shoes worth 50000 PKR and a 3rd Party Employee is asked to buy a pair of shoes for Rs 1500 PKR. Even if the regular employee does not need such hi tech safety shoes its called as CARE. From engagement to disengagement treatment of any 3rd Party employee/worker is totally different from those on regular pay role.
The finance manager would always say we cant provide everyone same environment, resources and/or perks. My question is very simple you expect him to work more but get less. secondly, then why should you write an equal opportunity employer.
interestingly those hired as regular employees leave early despite all your perks because they can collect hefty money from various retirement schemes, funds and investment options. They also operate and play between similar job roles, competitively compounding organisations.
3rd Party Contracted roles were historically introduced for temporary needs. If as an organisation you expect to add a ware house and you dont have exclusive project team or department you may engage some 3rd Party contract workers for some specific time line or so. But how you expect to engage an ambulance driver, a Fire truck Driver, a fire fighter, a member of business finance team, an admin assistant on 3rd party. I have seen staff working on 3rd party for decades without any increment and or promotion in companies for ages on positions which should be, by all means permeant.
I can write a complete book on issues and concerns associated with 3rd party workers and the way they are treated across organisations. However coming to the point.
I request all HR heads to thing seriously on
Only if you make them feel part of you you will grow faster as organisations.