Acknowledgement of another Outstanding Instilling Hope Conference 10th of the series, at Catholic University of America.
Wesley Etheridge Sr.
Author / Principal Consultant and "Leading Authority on Military Veterans and Anger Management"
I have always been taught that sharing is caring, and I can't (at least at this time) think of any other way for an organization to exhibit this philosophy than what I and hundreds of other health professionals experienced as we all had the pleasure of being recipients of eight hours of "FREE" top notch professional training, in regards to learning more about the underlying causes of Substance Use Disorders (SUD), and why it is or should be classified as a chronic disorder.
This was my second time in the last three years that I have attended this collaborative effort between the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA, CUA and others.
Moreover, each keynote speaker exhibited his or her expertise as one of the most knowledgeable professionals in the Science of Addiction and Recovery field.
With that said, I have taken the liberty to share two brief segments of two of their keynote speakers. Each short segment, exemplifies the level of expert knowledge that was shared on the third floor at the Washington DC area University's Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center on Friday February 26th 2016.
Dr. Westley Clark shares about prescription medication and usage.
The Baggage of Substance Use Disorder is universal. It destroys lives and families.
So how does "Our Toxic Environment" contribute to Substance Usage Disorder?
Dr. Josep J. Sheilds, uses the Twin Study example to share the influence of one's environment.
This conference was approved for CEU's by the Maryland Nurses Association (MNA) and the Association of Social Work Board (ASWB) for individuals who attended this Science of Addiction, Implications for Prevention,Treatment and Recovery educational session.
Henry Mack, Director of Veterans Helping Veterans Now! Dr. Joseph J. Sheilds, and Wesley E. Etheridge Sr., GCS Facilitators Principal Consultant.
We shared a moment after Dr. Shields completed his outstanding presentation. As advocates for veterans, their families and others, Veterans Helping Veterans Now! A 501 C3 veterans grass-roots organization and GCS Facilitators and Consultant the "Leading Authority on Military Veterans and Anger Management have collaborated to perpetually enhance the quality of life for veterans and their families, regardless of branch of service or era they served. DCAMF