Acid reflux/GASTRITIS/gastro paresis/hyper acidity / stomach motility SOLUTION summarized.


Acid reflux/GASTRITIS/gastro paresis/hyper acidity / stomach motility SOLUTION summarized.

Acid reflux/GASTRITIS/gastro paresis/hyper acidity / stomach motility SOLUTION summarized.


The simplest way to describe solution is as follows: Updated: 5 MARCH 2022

SIMPLEST way to SOOTH your inflamed stomach (gastritis) is by drinking Lemon Juice added to COLD CHILLED WATER few times a day. If required you may add Organic honey also.


strictly avoid anything made from WHITE FLOUR (maida), anything made from MILK, except PLAIN yougurt/dahi, buttermilk and paneer (cottage cheese), anything made using SUGAR, strictly avoid RED MEAT (stick to poultry, sea food), avoid All types of PROCESSED FOODS, avoid BUTTER, instead use pure cow ghee, and finally use any acidity churna like AVIPATIKAR CHURNA with all meals or TRIPHPLA tablet after every meal to increase stomach motility, along with Indian Gooseberry juice (amla juice), and eat GREEN RAW BANNANA (plantain) every day till recovery. LEMON juice added to water shall be taken almost daily to cool the stomach.

ALSO KAPALBHATI stomach exercise is a must daily empty stomach and just for a minute before and after every meal to prepare lazy stomach for oncoming meal.

When one follows the guidelines above, one is usually free form all stomach and BP issues.


REMOVE acid reflux/GASTRITIS/Gastro paresis CAUSING MEDICATIONS as they are designed to cause acid rebound if one tries to quit them:

Alginate-based reflux suppressants [For eg. Gaviscon Antacid ] can HELP prevent the regurgitation of gastric contents. "

Any antacid that has Alginate and sodium bicarbonates as contents. Alginate-based acid suppressant is still better antacid available compared to ALUMINUM and MAGNESIUM based ANTACIDS previously.


ANTACIDs [Sodium alginate-bicarbonate based , For eg. Gaviscon Antacid ], are still a better choice compared to acid blocker medicines as acid blockers meds are designed to hook patients into taking them for life as they cause acid rebound if one tries to quit them. Never ever go back to taking them, instead use natural methods or at best use herbal or ayurvedic antacids like himcocid or allopathic example gaviscon which is Alginate-based and has baking soda in it.


YOU WILLNEVER GET CURED IF YOU ARE ON ACID BLOCKERS Class of medicines as they are practically designed to hook you to medicines for life by causing ACID REBOUND if one tries to quit them.


Strictly Avoid NSAIDs pain killers, antacids, PPIs (Acid Blockers) and other medications can cause or worsen acid reflux/gatroparesis/gastritis.

If you are able, replace these medications with more natural alternatives (triphla, avipattikar churna, any other acidity churna) to treating the illnesses they were meant to address.

*For acid reflux/gastritis/gastroparesis it is very important to keep your stomach happy with alkaline (vegetarian only), cold and NON Acidic (avoid sugar, meat, all processed foods) foods.

If you have gastroparesis/acid reflux/“gastritis”, then you shall never drink any “HOT” liquids till recovery, NEVER use any supplements (avoid L-Glutamine or BCAA till stomach has recovered completely), but use lemon water with black salt frequently.

You must avoid sugar, milk, all processed foods and meat till the recovery as these are acidic foods and will cause acid release during digestion thus aggravating your acidosis issue. Have lots of freshly prepared plain yogurt (Dahi) daily.

** EAT ONLY VEGETARIAN FOODS for all 3 meals till recovery. Spices are okay, especially Red Hot cayenne pepper (Red chillies powder) must be had with all meals. Also preferably use COW GHEE instead of regular oil to prepare food, during initial period of recovery. 2 TSP of COW GHEE taken like a medicine just before sleep will also ensure regular bowel movements. In case of chronic constipation issues one case use mix of Red hot Cayenne pepper + Lemon juice 2-3tsp+ Water twice a day for few days.

** For any snacking in between only use fruits and salads till the stomach has recovered and no other meal shall be taken apart from 3 meals.

** In case of any ulcer/corrosion on lining of stomach, throat etc. Red Hot cayenne pepper (Red chillies powder) 1 TSP in a glass of water must be taken 2-3 times a week. 1 Spoon Full of organic Honey (No Sugar added) mixed in lukewarm water shall be had once a day. Eat GREEN RAW BANNANA (plantain) every day till recovery.

**Strictly Avoid Sugar, milk, meat, processed foods, tea & coffee till the gastric lining is cured.

** Cabbage juice*/*Bottle Gourd juice shall be had at least once a day. Similarly to provide stomach motility, TRIPHALA caps or “AVIPATTIKAR churna” immediately after or before meals. Avipattikar churna has to be taken exactly just before meal or immediately after meal. To speed up recovery and also to bring ALKALINE environment back inside stomach—[Indian gooseberry juice]amla juice and blood purifier like Gilloy or MAHA-manjishtha kada One-TSP 3 times a day with water shall be taken for 4-6 weeks.

If triphla is hard on stomach one can use triphla only after a major meal like lunch and for other meals (breakfast and dinner ) one can have avipattikar churna or any other acidity churna (2gms) available from indian groceries immediately after meal .

ALSO KAPALBHATI stomach exercise is a must daily empty stomach and just for a minute before and after every meal to prepare lazy stomach for oncoming meal.


FOR ULCER IN STOMACH / Gastric lining Inflammation


** In case of any ulcer/corrosion on lining of stomach, throat etc. Red Hot cayenne pepper (Red chilies powder) 1 TSP in a glass of water must be taken 2-3 times a week.

Also to heal ULCER, 1 Spoon Full of organic Honey (No Sugar added) mixed in lukewarm water shall be had once a day for few days with gaps.

Also Have Lemon juice daily for gastric lining Inflammation


This method if followed diligently for a period of around 4-8 weeks depending on seriousness of issue shall relieve one from all digestion issue of stomach.




** Take your own best judgment and decisions when following any of suggestion in any of my blog posts: **

** A NOTE on How to Stop PPI/H2 Blockers **

Getting off H2 Blockers & Proton Pump Inhibitors (Nexium, ranitidine, famotidine, omeprazole, Razo etc) is very important first steps in managing this issue. Being on H2 Blockers/PPI class of drugs for long time and then stopping suddenly will have acid rebound effect. You must follow soft/grilled/steamed/Roasted diet or these example steps below when stopping PPI for first one week (Never ever go back to PPI class of drugs if you want to get cured of this issue):-

0) 3-days Before stopping the PPI/Pro KIinetics start taking Triphala capsule(Himalaya) after every meal . Also start using healthy salts with all meals.

1) Soft diet Breakfast- e.g. Chilled/cold Milk (No Sugar) with Kellogs product 19/Muesli (Oat clusters with banana, papaya, apple, and dates as some of ingredients).

2) Soft diet Lunch – BOILED Food Only (Soft diet food). NO SPICES and NO OIL AT ALL. In my case I would just cook rice with all vegetables (No Onion & No Garlic) put in it during making of it. No meat please.

3) Night food- Curd (Yogurt) + Rice OR (lightly cooked Rice + Spinach, use not more than 1 tsp oil for cooking )

4) Have only 3 meals and no other food. For snacking just use following: Raisins, Figs, cucumbers, carrots, Dates, apple juice or banana, papaya, water melon alongside for moderate ALKALINE Food only snacking (only 4-5 hours after lunch).

5) No Meat and No tea coffee and alcohol.

6) I also took 1 Triphala Capsule (Himalaya Brand) after every meal for intestinal cleanse and enhancing motility. Also sprinkle Organic salts on all meals.

7) Last but not the least, use Antacids, Carom seeds boiled water (It controls nausea and vomiting, and increases appetite.), Baking soda dissolved in water (Not Baking Powder) to sooth your stomach when you felt it turning acidic because of acid rebound effect of stopping PPI for first 3-4 days. Acid neutralizing is always preferred than acid suppression, which is what these PPI do. PPI also feed delayed emptying making sure that gastro paresis never goes away. No doubt that they (Doctors) call gastro paresis as progressive as the very drug they prescribe (PPI class of drugs), make sure that delayed emptying never really gets cured. Read Discussion Section here: Effect of gastric acid suppressants on human gastric motility

If you can survive on soft /grilled/steamed/Roasted diet for one week not taking any medicines then you surely will get benefited if you followed steps in my blog.

*** How to survive without PPI when prescribed by DOCTORS ***


Okay; Whether you like it or NOT your doctor may prescribe PPI /H2 Blockers(Acid Blockers) along with Pain Killers drugs or whenever there was some sort of surgery etc. But; as we know that they (PPI) are the worst kind of drugs and cause Acid Rebounds and worst type of acidity issues along with slow stomach (Gastro Paresis); so How do we ask Doctors NOT to PRESCRIBE THESE?

Look; If you fight with your doctor or argue with them, they may find an excuse NOT TO TREAT you any-more.

So the best way to handle this situation is as follows:-

1) You may REQUEST your doctor NOT TO PRESCRIBE PPI/H2 Blockers and INSTEAD ASK THEM to prescribe ANTACIDS; and your excuse would be that your are ALLERGIC TO PPI & H2 Blockers or they don't suit you.

2) Let DOCTORS prescribe PPI & H2 blockers but you would either ignore purchasing them or have option NOT TO USE. This way you avoid all sorts of fights or differences on this subject with your doctor. You may use ANTACIDS INSTEAD.

3) But NOT TAKING PPI or H2 Blockers does NOT MEAN that you do not need to take care of your prevailing situation. Look; Doctors prescribed these drugs for a REASON and you are going to avoid these for certain reason and it does not mean that you do not take care of this situation through other means. Use of Painkillers may cause ACIDITY and that's why these PPI are prescribed by doctors.

YOU MUST USE NATURAL means to avoid acidity issues during this period (as prescribed for PPI) and use either or all of the method like having Coconut water, Organic Sea Salt / Black salt /Himalayan salt WATER, Baking soda dissolved in water, (NOT BAKING POWDER), every few hours in a day.

4) Also during this period when your are on Painkillers and antibiotics you must be ONLY ON ALKALINE FOOD (Quickly prepared VEGAN Food).

Never consume MEAT & Sugar during this period to avoid acidity issues (duration as prescribed for PPI / H2 blockers).


Last but not the least:

do following deep inhale breathe exercise once a day in morning:


In short [for DEEP INHALE UP TO STOMACH], Just sit RELAXED, head and face facing towards SKY, And let breathe happen naturally in this position, YOU will notice each breathe reaching till stomach. Do at least 10 breathed in such position. Preferably, you shall pinch hold your breathe first and hold the breathe till the urge to breathe and then release the nose and face head and face towards sky to inhale deep up to stomach.





How I had recovered using L glutamine long time back (How to use L Glutamine/Creatine to REBUILD STOMACH after quitting of Acid blocker class fof medicines during acid issues)- 5 MARCH 2022


** ALWAYS Use your best judgement when following any of suggestions in my blog posts **


+++++++++++** UPDATED 4-April- 2022**

** Those suffering from stomach acid issues (due to REBOUND, after quitting of PPI or acid blockers) [Acid reflux/GASTRITIS/gastro paresis/hyper acidity / SLOW stomach digestion or slow motility]

** and are trying to heal stomach with L Glutamine (UNFLAVORED= Veg):

** Use your best judgement when following any of suggestions in my blog posts **

** In Most cases one would have recovered in just a week or two after following L-glutamine?(0.5 to 1gm) and Creatine Powder Unflavored [0.5 5to 1 gm], mixed with 2-3 times the other salts (ELECTROLYTE)+ Lemon juice OR good quality AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA or SYRUP (No sugar)3-4 spoons + Black or pink salt (2–3 gms)+ 2–3 gm of unprocessed naturally grinded organic red chilies powder [very hot type], as mentioned.

** To Above mix, Also add 3-4 spoon of ANY AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE SYRUP/KADA (no sugar added syrups/KADA only, example cureveda digest elixir ) that is available to fight acidity issues in regular market.

** If using Red Chillies pwder into MIX then do not use Lemon juice. Lemon juice MAY be added only once or twice a week as combination of Lemon + Red chillies is a MASTER DETOX and shall be used sparingly.



** Avoid supplements that are flavored, or have SALTS or foods or AYURVEDIC KADA OR SYRUPS that CONTAIN SUGAR (not even sugar free like stevia) OR FLAVOR of any type when buying them. **

** One may need to buy L Glutamine (UNFLAVORED= Vegwith Green symmbol ) and Creaine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, green symbol) as two different supplemets.

** Buy any good quality AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA available to fight dyspepsia, ulcers, acidity of stomach issues [example: "cureveda digest elixir"]

** Buy ORGANIC RED CHILIES POWDER or one may GRIND WHOLE RED CHILLIES CLOVES HOT TYPE and use that. [Processed red chilies powder will not work]

** Any ELECTRLYTE powder unfalvored no sugar added.

** Avoid supplements that are flavored, or have SALTS or foods or AYURVEDIC KADA OR SYRUPS that CONTAIN SUGAR (not even sugar free like stevia) OR FLAVOR of any type when buying them. **


NOTE: L Glutamine may sometimes cause mouth ulcer, but if you notice mouth ulcer developing then STOP L Glutamine for few days and RE-START again, till complete recovery of stomach.


VIP NOTE: This is understood that one has already quit acid blockers class of medicines to enable permanent recovery.

?????Also in intitial periods after quitting Acid Blockers (PPI class of mesds quitting of which is a must for permanent recovery), one may use ANTACID that is of ALGINATE BASED Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda as its called).

?????GAVISCON is one such ANTACID available in MARKET. Do not use Magnessium based ANTACID. Also one shall follow ALKALINE food only or VEg food only protocol for few weeks till recovery. One can have any food that is Vegetarian, boiled, steamed or grilled.

?????For snacking one can use fruits.



L-Glutamine (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or flavor) and Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR), shall NEVER BE TAKEN as STANDALONE SALT.?

During this period of taking L Glutamine and creatine powder, you must AVOID following 5 categories of foods 1. SUGAR 2. MILK 3. RED MEAT or meat in all forms 4. All packages foods or Processed foods. 5. Chinese sauces and MSG color added foods. 6. Any food made of WHITE FLOUR.

YOU MUST STICK to all VEGETARIAN foods, (Avoid curries for now), spices are always ok. Stick to boiled, grilled, steamed foods only for few weeks till recovery finishes. NO Tea or coffee. No Hot liquids.



The LAST TIME I had recovered from my stomach gastritis and gastro paresis issue was after I followed ALKALINE diet protocol but at end had to use "composition of British Nutrition Recovery Glutamine Formula"

which contained L Glutamine, Creatine Alpha Ketoglutarate, citric acid, aspartic acid, Sodium Potassium Calcium and phosphorus, L Alaine.

SINCE this product "British Nutrition Recovery Glutamine Formula"", was discontinued by manufacturer, we have to make our own composition for the same.


So I went back and looked for composition of "British Nutrition Recovery Glutamine Formula", I had taken to recover stomach issues from the root. And COMPOSITION I found was " L Glutamine, Creatine Alpha Ketoglutarate, citric acid, aspartic acid, Sodium Potassium Calcium and phosphorus, L Alaine.".


Now This is how we have to do to bring same composition back, in order to take L Glutamine and not get Hurt by it.



We will use L glutamine [unflavored, Veg] and Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR), ELECTROL[electrolyte] powder or salts,?

Instead of CITRIC ACID we will use half lemon juice OR More preferably AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA or syrup NO SUGAR added, Black salt or pink salt (these Contains sodium and potassium).


. Take a Glass of Water and add below MIX.

. I used 1gm of L Glutamine unflavored, VEG (I used ON Brand, UNFLAVORED Veg with Green symbol) and 1 gm of Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR),?

?ELECTROLYE powder (electrol) as it has sodium potassium and other salts, BLACK or PINK SALT, 1 medium sized whole Lemon juice [Lemon juice to avoid if adding red chillies powder to mix)

. VERY IMPORTANT: Also add 1–2 gm of unprocessed naturally grinded organic red chilies powder [very hot type] to the mix.?

?????????if you dont have ORGANIC Red Chilies powder or grinded cayyen pepper , then buy whole red cloves and grind them in mixer at home.


?We Start with lowest quanity of 0.5 gm of L Glutamine PLUS 0.5 gms of Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR) ONCE A DAY mixed with 3-4 times other salts mentioned above, first for a week.


?To Above mix, Also add 3-4 spoon of ANY AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE SYRUP/KADA (no sugar added syrups/KADA only, example "cureveda digest elixir" or any acidity specific ayrvedic kada ) that is available to fight acidity issues in regular market.


. If the above MIX does not hurt stomach we can increase quanity to 2-3 gms of l glutamine and creatine powder for next 2-3 week. Usualy one shall start with just 0.5 gms for each per day.


** In Most cases one would have recovered in just a week or two after following L-glutamine?(0.5 to 1gm) and Creatine powder mix PROTOCOL

After 7-10 days one may increase the dosage to 2-3 gms of each supplement added to mix,?

After 3 weeks on above MIX, and thereafter, one may take above mix added to water, just 2-3 times a week or once every 3-4 days.



During this period of taking L Glutamine, you must AVOID following 5 categories of foods 1. SUGAR 2. MILK 3. RED MEAT or meat in all forms 4. All packages foods or Processed foods. 5. Chinese sauces and MSG color added foods. 6. Any food made of WHITE FLOUR.

YOU MUST STICK to all VEGETARIAN foods, (Avoid curries for now), spices are always ok. Stick to boiled, grilled, steamed foods only for few weeks till recovery finishes.


L Glutamine may sometimes cause mouth ulcer but if you notice mouth ulcer developing then STOP L Glutamine for few days and RE-START again, till complete recovery of stomach.


AND YES, if glutamine causes heated stomach , then take LEMON juice added to Chilled COLD water and that shall sooth you up in minutes, but the STOMACH SOOTHES quickly when you take Red Very Hot cayenne pepper powder (unprocessed Red chilies powder, naturally grinded, UNBRANDED) added to water to sooth stomach afflicted with acid burns.


SIMPLEST way to SOOTH your inflamed stomach (gastritis) is by drinking Lemon Juice added to COLD CHILLED WATER few times a day. If required you may add Organic honey also.



YOU MUST STOP L Glutamine immediately if it hurts your stomach in anyway ****




** ALWAYS Use your best judgement when following any of suggestions in my blog posts **


How I had recovered using L glutamine long time back (How to use L Glutamine/Creatine to REBUILD STOMACH after quitting of Acid blocker class fof medicines during acid issues)- 5 MARCH 2022


+++++++++++** UPDATED 5 -MARCH- 2022**

** Those suffering from stomach acid issues (due to REBOUND, after quitting of PPI or acid blockers) [Acid reflux/GASTRITIS/gastro paresis/hyper acidity / SLOW stomach digestion or slow motility]

** and are trying to heal stomach with L Glutamine (UNFLAVORED= Veg):

** Use your best judgement when following any of suggestions in my blog posts **

** In Most cases one would have recovered in just a week or two after following L-glutamine?(0.5 to 1gm) and Creatine Powder Unflavored [0.5 5to 1 gm], mixed with 2-3 times the other salts (ELECTROLYTE)+ Lemon juice OR good quality AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA or SYRUP (No sugar)3-4 spoons + Black or pink salt (2–3 gms)+ 2–3 gm of unprocessed naturally grinded organic red chilies powder [very hot type], as mentioned.

** To Above mix, Also add 3-4 spoon of ANY AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE SYRUP/KADA (no sugar added syrups/KADA only, example cureveda digest elixir ) that is available to fight acidity issues in regular market.

** If using Red Chillies pwder into MIX then do not use Lemon juice. Lemon juice MAY be added only once or twice a week as combination of Lemon + Red chillies is a MASTER DETOX and shall be used sparingly.



** Avoid supplements that are flavored, or have SALTS or foods or AYURVEDIC KADA OR SYRUPS that CONTAIN SUGAR (not even sugar free like stevia) OR FLAVOR of any type when buying them. **

** One may need to buy L Glutamine (UNFLAVORED= Vegwith Green symmbol ) and Creaine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, green symbol) as two different supplemets.

** Buy any good quality AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA available to fight dyspepsia, ulcers, acidity of stomach issues [example: "cureveda digest elixir"]

** Buy ORGANIC RED CHILIES POWDER or one may GRIND WHOLE RED CHILLIES CLOVES HOT TYPE and use that. [Processed red chilies powder will not work]

** Any ELECTRLYTE powder unfalvored no sugar added.


** How I had recovered using L glutamine long time back: ** **UPDATED 5 -MARCH- 2022**


VIP NOTE: This is understood that one has already quit acid blockers class of medicines to enable permanent recovery.

?????Also in intitial periods after quitting Acid Blockers (PPI class of mesds quitting of which is a must for permanent recovery), one may use ANTACID that is of ALGINATE BASED Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda as its called).

?????GAVISCON is one such ANTACID available in MARKET. Do not use Magnessium based ANTACID. Also one shall follow ALKALINE food only or VEg food only protocol for few weeks till recovery. One can have any food that is Vegetarian, boiled, steamed or grilled.

?????For snacking one can use fruits.


L-Glutamine (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or flavor) and Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR), shall NEVER BE TAKEN as STANDALONE SALT.?

During this period of taking L Glutamine and creatine powder, you must AVOID following 5 categories of foods 1. SUGAR 2. MILK 3. RED MEAT or meat in all forms 4. All packages foods or Processed foods. 5. Chinese sauces and MSG color added foods. 6. Any food made of WHITE FLOUR.

YOU MUST STICK to all VEGETARIAN foods, (Avoid curries for now), spices are always ok. Stick to boiled, grilled, steamed foods only for few weeks till recovery finishes. NO Tea or coffee. No Hot liquids.


USUALLY WE START with JUST 0.5 gm to 1gm, ONCE a day, of L Glutamine PLUS creatine powder mixed with 3-4 times the other salts added to water for first 1 week.

In most cases by 7-10 days one would have recovered completely. After that one may take Glutamine+Creatine Powder just 2-3 times a week or alternate days approach.


SIMPLEST way to SOOTH your inflammed stomach (gastritis) is by drinking Lemon Juice added to COLD CHILLED WATER few times a day. If required you may add Organic honey also.?

But Naturaly grinded UNPROCESSED Organic Red chillies powder [very hot type] 2-3 gms added to water may be required if stomach is burnt due to acid issues for fast recovery.



L Glutamine (Veg, UNFLAVORED) and Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR) MAY BE required to heal the stomach completely, but if one has a leaky or compromised stomach thin lining, then L Glutamine may instead cause trouble and pain if taken as standalone SALT.


The LAST TIME I had recovered from my stomach gastritis and gastro paresis issue was after I followed ALKALINE diet protocol but at end had to use "composition of British Nutrition Recovery Glutamine Formula"

which contained L Glutamine, Creatine Alpha Ketoglutarate, citric acid, aspartic acid, Sodium Potassium Calcium and phosphorus, L Alaine.

SINCE this product "British Nutrition Recovery Glutamine Formula"", was discontinued by manufacturer, we have to make our own composition for the same.


So I went back and looked for composition of "British Nutrition Recovery Glutamine Formula", I had taken to recover stomach issues from the root. And COMPOSITION I found was " L Glutamine, Creatine Alpha Ketoglutarate, citric acid, aspartic acid, Sodium Potassium Calcium and phosphorus, L Alaine.".


Now This is how we have to do to bring same composition back, in order to take L Glutamine and not get Hurt by it.


We will use L glutamine [unflavored, Veg] and Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR), ELECTROL[electrolyte] powder or salts, Instead of CITRIC ACID we will use half lemon juice OR More preferablt AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA or syrup NO SUGAR added, Black salt or pink salt (these Contains sodium and potassium).


. Take a Glass of Water and add below MIX.

. I used 1 gm of L Glutamine unflavored, VEG (I used ON Brand, UNFLAVORED Veg with Green symbol) and 1 gm of Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR),?

?ELECTROLYE powder (electrol) as it has sodium potassium and other salts, BLACK or PINK SALT, 1 medium sized whole Lemon juice [Lemon juice to avoid if adding red chillies powder to mix)

. VERY IMPORTANT: Also add 1–2 gm of unprocessed naturally grinded organic red chilies powder [very hot type] to the mix.?

?We Start with lowest quanity of 0.5 gm of L Glutamine ONCE PLUS 0.5 gms of Creatine Powder (UNFLAVORED= Veg, NO SUGAR or FLAVOR) ONCE A DAY mixed with 3-4 times other salts mentioned above, first for a week.

. To Above mix, Also add 3-4 spoon of ANY AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE SYRUP/KADA (no sugar added syrups/KADA only, example "cureveda digest elixir" or any acidity specific ayrvedic kada ) that is available to fight acidity issues in regular market.

. If the above MIX does not hurt stomach we can increase quanity to 2-3 gms of l glutamine and creatine powder for next 2-3 week. Usualy one shall start with just 0.5 gms for each per day.


** In Most cases one would have recovered in just a week or two after following L-glutamine?(0.5 to 1gm) and Creatine powder mixed with 3-4 times the other salts (ELECTROLYTE)+ Lemon juice Or Ayurvedic Digestive kada+ Black or pink salt (2–3 gms)+ 1–2 gm of unprocessed naturally grinded organic red chilies powder [very hot type], as mentioned.

After 2-3 weeks once may take above mix added to water just 2 times or twice a week or once every 3-4 days.


. THIS IS how we shall take GLUTAMINE so it helps recover stomach ulcers after ACID Issues:

Now we will use formula 1 part L Glutamine + 3-4 Parts of these salts: [NONE of these SALTS shall CONTAIN SUGARS (NO SUGAR) and they MUST be UNFLAVORED]


** Avoid supplements that are flavored, or have SALTS or foods or AYURVEDIC KADA OR SYRUPS that CONTAIN SUGAR (not even sugar free like stevia) OR FLAVOR of any type when buying them. **


NOTE: L Glutamine may sometimes cause mouth ulcer, but if you notice mouth ulcer developing then STOP L Glutamine for few days and RE-START again, till complete recovery of stomach.


So, we will take 0.5 GM of L-glutamine + 0.5 gms of creatine powder, whole medium size lemon juice OR AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE KADA for acidity + 2-3 gms of ELectrol or electrolyte salts + 2-3 gm of Black or pink salt + very hot red chilllies powder 1-2 gms.

[ One may add Creatine Alpha Ketoglutarate UNFLAVORED 0.5 gms if available to this]

Add all of above to water, MIX it, DRINK it. Adding of Lemon Juice and electrolyte salts with Black or pink salts + unprocessed organic red chillies pwder?in VERY IMPORTANT as L Glutamine shall never be consumed as STAND-ALONE SALT.

To Above mix, Also add 4 spoon of ANY AYURVEDIC DIGESTIVE SYRUP/KADA (no sugar added syrups/KADA only, example "cureveda digest elixir" ) that is available to fight acidity issues in regular market.


L Glutamine plus creatine powder MIX with above combination, shall be taken once a DAY or with Skip a Day protocol [alternate days]. L-Glutamine shall NEVER BE TAKEN as STANDALONE SALT.


L Glutamine (Veg, UNFLAVORED) and creatine powder MAY BE required to heal the stomach completely, but if one has a leaky or compromised stomach thin lining, then L Glutamine may instead cause trouble and pain if taken as standalone SALT.


L-Glutamine and creatine powder shall NEVER BE TAKEN as STANDALONE SALT. It must be combined in the ratio of 1:4 (1 Part Glutamine + 3-4 parts Alkaline salts+Lemon Juice or ayurvedic digestive kada) with other alkaline salts like Citric Acid [use WHOLE lemon juice instead], electrolyte salt that contain Sodium, Potassium, calcium, and add pink or black salt, to provide ALKALINE Balance.

One can combine .5 to 1 gm of L Glutamine(never more than 1 gm at a time), and add 3-4 times the ALKALINE Salts, combination of citric acid [use WHOLE lemon juice], sodium , potassium, Black Salt Or Pink Salt.



During this period of taking L Glutamine, you must AVOID following 5 categories of foods 1. SUGAR 2. MILK 3. RED MEAT or meat in all forms 4. All packages foods or Processed foods. 5. Chinese sauces and MSG color added foods. 6. Any food made of WHITE FLOUR.

YOU MUST STICK to all VEGETARIAN foods, (Avoid curries for now), spices are always ok. Stick to boiled, grilled, steamed foods only for few weeks till recovery finishes.


L Glutamine may sometimes cause mouth ulcer but if you notice mouth ulcer developing then STOP L Glutamine for few days and RE-START again, till complete recovery of stomach.


AND YES, if glutamine causes heated stomach , then take LEMON juice added to Chilled COLD water and that shall sooth you up in minutes, but the STOMACH SOOTHES quickly when you take Red Very Hot cayenne pepper powder (unprocessed Red chilies powder, naturally grinded, UNBRANDED) added to water to sooth stomach afflicted with acid burns.


SIMPLEST way to SOOTH your inflamed stomach (gastritis) is by drinking Lemon Juice added to COLD CHILLED WATER few times a day. If required you may add Organic honey also.



YOU MUST STOP L Glutamine immediately if it hurts your stomach in anyway ****




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