A man with ability and desire to accomplish something can do anything." -Donald Kircher
There are people who have distinguished themselves in their career. They have embraced some principles which made them rise like cream on coffee to the platform of excellence. These principles are what made them and keeps them in the excellence arena. I'll use part of Serena Williams story to highlight some of these principles.
Serena Williams is a woman who has distinguished herself in her tennis career as an embodiment of excellence. She currently holds 21 grand slam titles and is one of the few who has held 4 grand slam titles( for Australian open, french open, Wimbledon and U.S opens) simultaneously this is now known as the Serena slam. She is the second most with 21 grand slam victories after Steffi Graf. She has created a niche for herself in her chosen career and is regarded as the greatest woman tennis player of all time. The following principles are important to achieve as well as retain excellence.
"The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is extraordinary determination" -Mary Kay Ash
The importance of building and fine tuning your skill set cannot be overemphasized. That's what makes champions. I came across a video of Serena doing exercises with her hands, even carrying her whole weight on one hand or both for some minutes. In her case she has to work on her hands but in career building there is need for training even beyond the formal trainings in the university. Attend seminars in your field, online trainings to become better professionally. Robert Collier aptly said "Success is a sum of small efforts repeated day in day out"
Once you conceive an idea, especially a unique one which has not been done before, there will be a lot of 'nay-sayers' trying to dissuade you. You'll come across numerous self-made counselors who would say every thing possible to make you change track or give up. Determination is the only thing that could keep you going. "To succeed you must overcome the efforts of others to pull you down" John Mason.
In Wimbledon women doubles in 2014, Serena Williams was so sick that she could not even do simple tasks such as pick balls or serve during her warm up. Yet she came on the field to play. Although she had to leave the field when it was so obvious that she was uncoordinated and not up to playing, i can only imagine that determination is what made her still come to the field despite the odds.
Its one thing to be determined to fight against all odds and another to repeatedly spring back to action after set backs. This is vital because as John Mason says challenge is the breakfast of champions. Set backs, obstacles would come from all directions but we must not stay down. When life knocks you down, get back up again. The difference between failure and champions is getting back up when knocked down.
Today, in some countries, there are laws against discrimination against handicaps and other minorities. Despite that women still encounter some sexists attitude at work and racial prejudice although on the down low is still present. Lots of women are making it professionally but if you ask women in professions dominated by men you'll find out that they have to put in extra efforts to come to the lime light irrespective of the curve balls thrown their way. Serena Williams has been mocked about her physique and has had sexist and racial comments being made about her. One time Pet Cash a former notable tennis player said 'She was a lost cause' and she has had 14 grand slam titles ever since. Instead of allowing it to affect her self esteem, she brushes them aside and keeps on winning. Stop the pity party and inferiority complex, life has challenges, face them heads on so you can move on because 'it isn't where you come from, its where you are going that counts' Ella Fitzgerald
Every successful individual has a support network. You hear Bill gates making reference to the words of wisdom he gets from Waren Buffet. You need a mentor and people who would give you honest feed back to stay in the arena of success. A little piece of advice could save the day. During Serena's match at the Australian opens, she was losing a set, a fan called out a word of advice. That certainly made a difference. Surround your self with people that would make you better. running a start up doesn't mean you have to do everything on your own, a little piece of advice would go a long way.
Many people work so hard, exhibit determination and resilience but they miss the mark ultimately because they stop improving. They have one hit albums or one scientific discovery and that's all. Find creative ways of working because the world is changing fast and only those who hop on the fast lane dishing out creative ideas remain on top. Those who fall short are soon submerged in the valley of mediocrity and are soon forgotten.
Usually, athletic prowess diminishes with age but Serena Williams has found a way of remaining dominant in the field at age 33. She keeps getting better. She has remained on top of her game, defying the odds and stamping her name in the hall mark of fame. You too can rise to the top of the strater. If you set your mind to being the best in your profession, combine all the aforementioned principles you'll soon be a professional to be reckoned with.