Achieving Flow State - The What, Why & How
Rupinder Dhillon
Career Strategist & Coach | Executive Headhunter | B2B Consultant | Health & Wellness
Many of us will have experienced flow state, usually while doing things we enjoy, are good at and are happy to focus on. Often being so absorbed in the task, that you lose track of time. Being in a 'state of flow' or 'in the zone' is not only about time flying past, research has shown flow state to have a positive impact on your life, health, productivity and wellbeing. To understand how flow state can benefit you at work, with a personal project or something that you really want to get done by staying focused and engaged in the task, you'll need to understand what it is and how it works.
A flow state can be defined as a sort of effortless attention. When in flow, we are deeply absorbed in our activities yet there is no feeling of exerting effort. It also involves a feeling of high-energy positive emotion (similar to excitement or enjoyment) and unique physiological activation patterns that resemble patterns similar to both positive feelings and high attention (Ullén, de Manzano, Theorell, & Harmat, 2010).
More specifically, flow is thought to involve 9 components (Mihály Csíkszentmihályi 1990):
The 9 components of flow make up a state of mind characterised by positive feelings and a sense of ease. Let's go into these components a bit more to better understand this state of mind.
Challenge–skill balance
A state of flow is thought to occur when we are engaging in activities that are just the right difficulty for us—they are challenging but doable given our skill level. The activity is right in our sweet spot.
Action–awareness merging
While in flow, there is no awareness of the self doing the activity. Our actions just feel effortless or automatic (Jackson & Marsh, 1996).
Clear goals
Clear goals are set from the outset of the flow state or in the process of doing the activity. This way, we are very clear about what we need to do.
Unambiguous feedback
This is the feedback we get from our engagement in whatever task we're doing. Specifically, we recognize that we are succeeding or on the right track. We can feel that we're doing well.
High concentration
When in flow, we feel totally focused on the activity at hand. Our thoughts and actions are well-applied to whatever we're doing.
A sense of control
When in a state of flow, we feel like we can do anything and that we are in control of what's happening.
Loss of self-consciousness
In daily life, we tend to have thoughts in the back of our minds about how others view us. But in a state of flow, we're not worrying about what others think of us. We feel and act confidently without a sense of self-consciousness.
Transformation of time
In flow states, time can feel like it's moving either faster or slower than usual. We may feel like time slows down, allowing us to think clearly, or time speeds up, feeling like it is just flying by.
Autotelic experience
This experience is thought to be the end result of flow. It's a feeling of being intrinsically motivated or feeling like the task itself was enjoyable, regardless of any goals that the task may be attached to.
How to Get Into Flow
A flow state can feel elusive. We want it, but how do we get it? Here are some suggestions from the research.
1. Develop intrinsic motivation. Some personality traits make us more likely to enter flow states. For example, intrinsic enjoyment—or the tendency to feel enjoyment from doing activities themselves, even if they are not tied to external rewards like money or prestige—may be linked to more frequent experience of flow. Boredom coping—or the ability to do boring tasks in ways that are more enjoyable—might also be related to flow (Ullén, de Manzano, Theorell, & Harmat, 2010). This suggests that if we work at boosting our intrinsic motivation, we may have an easier time getting into a flow state.
2. Develop expertise. Researchers suggest that we may be more likely to get into flow when working on tasks that we have some expertise in. When we have expertise in doing an activity, we have already automated some of the difficult parts of that activity. So researchers suggest that doing a challenging activity related to an area where we already have expertise may be qualitatively different than doing a challenging activity unrelated to an area of expertise (Ullén, de Manzano, Theorell, & Harmat, 2010). For these reasons, they say that it may be easier to get into flow when working on tasks that we have some expertise in.
3. Boost positive emotion. An important thing to keep in mind if you desire to enter a flow state is the role of positive emotion. It may be that positive emotions precede or are an important precursor to flow. We know that a flow state is enjoyable but many of the experiences that emerge as a part of flow can emerge simply from experiencing positive emotions.
For example, a review article reminds us that positive emotions can result in lowered self-consciousness and alterations in the perception of time. This suggests that positive feelings may help us get into a flow state and that negative emotions such as worry may interfere with a flow state (Ullén, de Manzano, Theorell, & Harmat, 2010).
4. Do challenging things. If we want to get into a flow state, a good first step is to set the scene for the states of mind discussed above. For example, flow can not occur when we are doing things that are too easy or boring. So, we might be thoughtful about the difficulty of the tasks we're doing, ensuring that they are sufficiently challenging but not so difficult that we struggle. Whether or not a given task is challenging for us depends on our areas of expertise, so we may have to do some brainstorming and experimenting to find our sweet spot (Ullén, de Manzano, Theorell, & Harmat, 2010).?
5. Take-care of your wellbeing. In the state of flow, you may tend to forget about food, water, sleep, or how long you’ve been sitting or standing. While this is great for staying focused, it’s not so great for your body. Create?self-care routines that help you stay comfortable and taken care of so you can stay in flow longer. You might leave a bottle of water on your desk, fruit or a high-energy snack (nuts, nutrition bar, banana, dried fruit, seeds), within easy reach, invest in a supportive desk chair or comfortable shoes.
6. Turn-off phones or devices. It has become habitual in todays world to carry our smart phones and devices with us at all times. While this is convenient, it is not very productive if you are habit prone to checking your email, messages, social apps or by being distracted from calls and notifications. It makes sensible work to block your calendar and communicating that you will be unavailable for the set amount of time intended for the task. Turn-off any devices that can cause disruptions or leave them on silent mode.
7. Develop a pre-flow routine. You can prepare yourself to get into the zone by creating a routine. For example, before I do activity X, I check my email, put my devices on silent, grab a drink, and turn on “focus” music. It doesn’t have to be formal, practical, or the same for every activity. It’s just a way of cueing your brain that you’re about to get to work — and that it should, too.