
2. Achievements:

2.1. He proved the Goldbach Conjecture, completely figured out the challenge of proving Goldbach Conjecture "1 + 1".[1-5]

2.2. He proved Twin Prime Conjecture, solved the challenge of proving "there is an infinite number of twin primes" on Twin Prime Conjecture.[6-9]

2.3. He created a prime number distribution method, completely solved the challenge of the distribution of prime numbers that had remained unsolved for thousands of years.[10]

2.4. He created the basic guidelines for high-quality papers. It provides a scientific basis for the evaluation of the quality of papers and the review of journals.[11]

2.5. Established the basic law of number theory, pointed out the common cognitive errors for a long time, denied a large number of number theory papers and monographs, and pointed out the correct research direction for number theory science.[11]

2.6. He pointed out the mistakes of the famous Chinese mathematician, Chen Jingrun in his "1+2" paper, negating Chen Jingrun's paper and the "Chen's Theorem".[11]

2.7. He pointed out the errors in Bounded Gaps Between Primes by the famous Chinese mathematician Zhang Yitang, negated Zhang Yitang formula and Zhang Yitang's paper.[12]

2.8. He expanded the basic theory as well as the research methods of number theory.[1-12]

The above achievements have filled a series of blanks in number theory science, cracked many cross-century puzzles, laying the theoretical foundation of modern number theory, and opening up a new era in number theory science.



  • 杨哲科研成果简介


    一、数论研究成果: 1.01,证明了哥德巴赫猜想,即破解了1742年以来一直在困扰全世界数学家的关于证明哥德巴赫猜想“1+1.

  • achievements


    Part I, Yang Zhe's scientific research achievements: 1. On number theory: 1.

  • Achievements


    Yang Zhe's scientific research achievements: 2. Astrophysics: 2.

  • Achievements


    Yang Zhe's scientific research achievements: 1. On number theory: 1.

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