Today I'm mapping out our 2023. I'd already done this a month or so ago, and already I've outgrown that plan.
In just a month I've evolved.
My energetic capacity has already expanded as every part of me said no, that's too small ... we play bigger these days.
This is why I leave the plan as "tentative" until January as I just know there will be tweaks. This is why we're having a planning evolution sprint in January for Elevate Collective as I fully expect that lot to do the same.
The evolution across 2022 has compounded and sped up my next phase of evolution.
The feeling of inevitability powerful.
It's funny, I trademarked the phrase Inevitable Success Foundations? over two years ago, but never used it.
This happens a lot with me, the idea comes and stays put until it's fully evolved. And now it has.
This is where I am now ... I've built those foundations in 2021 and 2022, I'm playing in the inevitability pool, a feeling of certainty, calm, confidence.
It feels different to all the years leading up to here and as I create our new plan, the learnings are pouring through me.
So I wanted to share them here, now, in the energy they're coming to me in ... because I want you to feel it too. To use it to supercharge your own evolution.
But first, our achievements from 2022:
- Crossing £500k total revenue for my Conscious Consultant Certification, without really pushing it too hard as I wanted to take things slowly and build results and respect before we scale it fully, with high completion and retention rates.
- Closing out my much loved membership, Consistency Club?, and serving a new, more established client as I doubled down and niched to those scaling inside of our new scaling program, Elevate Collective?, which again I've barely sold because we've been in beta as I test, tweak and build out the remaining projects, yet we still crossed over 40 members in just 4 months.
- Hiring my first two full time team members to allow me to step back as we scale, while still working less to take care of my health and the madness that is peri-menopause.
- Hiring my team of associate coaches and consultants to serve our clients, again as I step back and move from a one to many model to a many to many one.
- Moving from a personal brand to The Lighthouse Business Academy?, a brand that's less about me and more about the sum of its parts. New website due Jan 3rd.
- Stepped away from many spaces in the online world I find damaging, and paving my own path with strict boundaries to protect me and those I work with, even when that can mean a loss in revenue.
- Agreeing an equity partnership deal for my certification with Scott Oldford as part of his Wisdom Group, with a focus to scale the certification next year.
- Becoming an equity partner myself as I step into an advisor role with my first certification not run by me [Energetic Expansion? with Emma Starling. With a second to follow early next year [can't share yet, but you lot will love it].
- Building a number of assets to sell further down the line when I decide to.
- Launching the Scale with Soul Podcast which will have both a Facebook Group and a book attached to the brand next year.
- Becoming accredited by both the CPD and IAPC&M, which will continue into 2023 as I have all core programs accredited.
- Helping one to one clients design programs and certifications that follow my experience design framework that improves results and increases completion and retention rates for their clients.
- Celebrating our record year with my team at an amazing spa hotel last week and really feeling part of something so much bigger than me.
There are more, of course, but these are the standout moments for me. All achieved while dealing with health issues.
- When the rest are speeding up to catch that ever moving next goal, step away and go at your own pace. There were moments I wanted to jump in and go faster this year, to reach those milestones others say are so important, but I stayed put and were we are now - solid, proven, respected - was a far greater outcome for me.
- You don't need to create more revenue each month. Businesses are meant to rise and fall, it's the natural rhythm of things. Embracing seasons of growth alongside seasons of dips is perfectly normal and has NOTHING to do with your own ability.
- But make sure you have money set aside to deal with the dips. As a general rule of thumb 3 months of opex should see you through.
- Force yourself to stay away from social media for as long as you can every day. Seriously. Do it.
- Until you've nailed one core offer that has a high conversion rate, strong results, completion and retention rates, and the launch or funnel strategy to scale it, don't do anything else.
- Understand business models, how they work, how you're designed and move to one that fits you [not that guru you follow]. This was key to me moving from one to many to many to many and it's been a godsend - I wish I'd done it earlier.
- Don't put anyone on a pedestal, they will only disappoint you and nobody deserves to be there. My place is alongside my clients and community, as we move forward shoulder to shoulder.
- Only do the marketing you love, it's the only way you'll commit to doing it consistently. Forget the rest.
- Work on your energy and mindset daily. I used to believe it was just mindset, but still I crashed up against resistance and sabotage. By learning energetics the whole world opened up for me. Now I will only ever offer strategy, mindset and energetics in my containers [and why I'm slightly smug that I'm qualified in all three!].
- People will try to bring you down as you rise. Old clients, current clients, team members, peers. They will copy you, spread false rumours, steal clients, threaten you with unfounded legal shit. So long as you keep your side of the street clean, crack on anyway. I've got so much tea I could spill, but I don't and I won't. My energy is here for me, my clients, my team and my friends. Getting dragged into online toxicity and drama drags me down, and I won't allow it.
- Re above, get a legal team in place and have all your i's dotted and t's crossed. I have nothing to do with any of that any more, my legal team handle it.
- Hire people to do the things you're not good at. I'm not the best with keeping on top of the numbers [my adhd brain just can't], and I'm not the best manager details wise. So hiring a Finance Manager and HR Manager has been a godsend.
- Put yourself outside of the echo chamber. Honestly, this world is full of regurgitated shit that more often than not isn't right for you. Step into other communities, industries, spaces and learn from those. You'll rarely see me in any of the retreats or masterminds others are in for this reason. I crave different thinking and innovation, it challenges my belief system and brings out the best in me.
- Ensure you have some time WITHOUT a coach or mentor. Seriously the message that we need to always be in some kind of coaching container is bullshit. We need time to move that outward facing focus inward, to integrate what we've learnt, to embody our next level, to re-establish trust in ourselves. Even though I've had two mentors this year, and will continue with one next year, I've still ensured I have time to step away and listen to me.
- Be really good at what you do. The best. Learn how to improve it, make it an amazing experience, how to go the extra mile to get your client even better results than they're expecting. Tweak your offer to do this and you will be the one who wins over the next two years. The days of clients trying to do it all themselves as they desperately try to learn from an ill designed training, not fit for purpose, are over. Done for you, done with you and well designed learning and implementation experiences are what's needed as we move forwards.
Well, this become a lot longer than I planned and I have so much more ... but I'll leave that for another post.
Did anything resonate with you?