Achievement CV’s: A How-to-Guide to Stand Out in the CV Crowd!
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Achievement CV’s: A How-to-Guide to Stand Out in the CV Crowd!

Most people use the format of reverse chronological CVs. There are 2 other lesser-known formats for your CV to stand out. Here are the differences and when you should use each...

You can use this breakdown as a starting point to think about how to organize your own professional experiences best while keeping in mind that there are many more ways to present your experiences:

??. ?????????????? ??????????????????????????: The most popular type of résumé or CV, this template organizes your professional experiences by date – starting with the most recent position. This is an especially useful template to use if you have a history of employment concerning the job you are applying for.

??. ???????????????????? ???? ?????????????????????? ????????????????: A Functional or Achievement Oriented CV or résumé puts less emphasis on dates and the chronology of your experiences, and instead tailors information directly to the position you are applying for. This is useful when you would like to demonstrate a clear link between your experiences and the position, or if you are in the midst of a career change and would like to showcase your transferable skills.

??. ??????????????????????: This type of résumé or CV makes it possible to combine the best aspects of a functional and chronological resume. Once you identify the skills, competencies and qualifications required in a job posting, categorize your experiences according to these areas and then list your experiences in reverse chronological order starting with the more recent experiences first.

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1. Refer to the key competencies mentioned in the terms of reference for the job you are applying to.

2. For each, briefly cite an example(s) of your work that best illustrates your competency in that area.

3. Follow the formula

Action verb + metric + timeframe = achievements


? Implemented a new SEO strategy, boosting website traffic by 52% in the past year.

? Analyzed hundreds of online reviews to develop a strategy to increase customer satisfaction.

? Created a new curriculum, raising test scores by 23% from the previous school year.


Note: Refer to the sample below (kindly shared by an HR friend for illustrative purposes only).




Contractual Status: Consultant

Current Title: Senior Policy Advisor

Current Duty Station:

Work Unit: Governance on HIV/AIDS

Current Phone No: 12345678, office; 12345678, home; 12345678, cell

Email Address: [email protected]

New Post Title/No: Fill in the title of the targeted post and number

COMPETENCY SUMMARY (Refer to the key competencies mentioned in the new post description. For each, briefly cite an example of your work that best illustrates your competency in that area – the competencies below are illustrative only:)

Strategic Thinking: Played a pivotal role in conceptualizing, strategically planning, and managing new initiatives adapted to country-specific, post-conflict situations. In Eritrea, developed a reconstruction programme where war victims generated income rebuilding country’s infrastructure; in Central African Republic, over 1000 refugees were returned and reintegrated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Resources Mobilization: As a newly arrived manager in Central African Republic, Eritrea, and Cameroon, encountered unacceptably low levels of resources commensurate with countries development needs in post-conflict situations. Conceptualized and formulated viable resources mobilization strategies and led negotiations with government officials, stakeholders and donors to raisse US$100 Million.

Partnering and Networking: Developed and managed partnerships and relations within UNAIDS, the World Bank, Regional Development Banks, IFAD, and UN agencies, international and local NGOs. For example, spearheading a global initiative through the International Council of Churches to promote partnerships between churches in Africa and America to promote HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. As DRR-Malawi, coordinated the Inter-Agency Programme Working Group, comprised of all UN agencies, which facilitated the preparation of the first UN Development Assistance Framework.

Knowledge Building/Sharing: Promoted and led Thematic Groups in key practice areas of HIV/AIDS, Governance, Poverty Eradication and Environment; mainstreamed them into strategic WE/IMF-DGO initiatives. Also, provided “one-stop-shop” knowledge dissemination regarding UNDP and UN Agency policies, procedures and best practices. Was one of the “inventors” of UNDP’s Direct Execution modalities, cost recovery project manager in OBR; authored numerous policy and procedural initiatives.



Senior Policy Advisor, Governance on HIV/AIDS

Under a one-year contract, provide consultation on development and utilization of social networks in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment; promote new initiatives. Ensure HIV/AIDS and social networks are integrated as cross cutting issues. Mobilize resources to promote best practices in this area.

Mobilized US$2.5 M for new global strategy to advocate for use of social networks to promote HIV/AIDS treatment regimens and to educate high-risk populations for disease prevention.

Wrote and presented on social networks as critical to HIV/AIDS treatment and education at various fora, e.g., “America to Africa-Church to Church: Utilizing International Networks to Promote HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education.” (Refer to Papers/Presentations.) Shared knowledge with UNAIDS colleagues and partners.

Have successfully included reference to social networks in HIV/AIDS-related documents of UN system coordination mechanisms.


Senior Deputy Resident Representative (Programme), Central African Republic 1998-2002

Responsible for overall design, formulation and implementation of the country programme, linkages with UN agencies, donors and resource mobilization. Supervised five professional staff.

Introduced results-based management and results-oriented annual reporting into office strategic planning and successfully trained staff.

Developed and coordinated the formulation of the country programme with focus on governance for poverty eradication. Programme was favorably reviewed in 2001.

Prepared projects on income generation and sustainable livelihood for the CAP documents (1999-2002); advocated inclusion of sustainable livelihoods for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Served as focal point in the preparation of the Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (MDRP) Steering Committee. Guided the Special Project for the Amnesty Commission so as to resettle 1000 Democratic Republic of Congo refugees, which was executed in record time.

Prepared a Resource Mobilization Strategy: secured US$3M from EU, the first CAR Government cost sharing of $1.5M, and contributions totaling $575,000 from Germany, Denmark and France.

Senior Deputy Resident Representative (Governance and Emergency Response) and Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for Eritrea 1994-1998

Responsible for sensitive post genocide Governance and Reconciliation areas; supported RC/RR’s assumption of Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) role and other duties upon departure of UN Peace Keeping.

Helped two RC/HC/RRs (the first also a DSRSG) restore UNDP’s advisory, programmatic and operational leadership and coordinator of UN Agency operational activities role at country level

Led emergency capacity building of UNDP and HC Office, significantly improving NGO-Government relations through study/workshops; managed sensitive support to justice system/police, prisons and subsequently the country’s response to a sudden massive return of one million refugees

Played a pivotal role in: formulating the second phase of the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Development Programme, a US $16M programme to support political and economic stabilization; linking relief and development; rehabilitating the agricultural infrastructure; and addressing the needs of the rural poor.

Developed a resources mobilization strategy that resulted in US$21M being raised from eight donors.

Led an effective strategy for mobilizing additional extra-budgetary resources, resulting in a cost recovery of over $400,000 for services provided during 1997.

Deputy Resident Representative (Programme), Malawi 1990-1994

Managed country’s programme, linkage with UN system, and resources mobilization. Supervised five professional staff.

Developed and managed the first UNDP country program (1991-1994) with a focus on poverty eradication and sound governance ($25m).

Coordinated Inter-Agency Programme Working Group of all UN agencies, which facilitated preparation of the first UN Development Assistance Framework (1994).

Assistant Resident Representative (Programme,) Cameroon 1986-1990

Due to 18 months vacant RC/RR post, served as “number 2” in addition to supervision of Programme Section and Information Manager function; Occasional OIC for UNDP, UNIC, UNFPA, UNIDO, UNESCO.

Established first RC system support unit and UN CSN process, which the World Bank representative highly commended among members of Heads of Agencies Meetings

Launched one of most highly regarded Private sector programmes in RBA and one of first SDNPs

Formulated and launched first Governance and HIV-AIDS programmes in Cameroon

Helped RR transform Eritrea Liaison office into a Country Office and conceptualise, negotiate, resource mobilize and launch US$ 19M Pilot PROFERI programme for returnees to restore UN system credibility with Government after “failed” donor conference

Programme Manager, Regional Bureau for Africa, New York 1983-1989


Doctor of Philosophy (ABD). International Relations. Columbia University. New York 2002-

Master of Arts. International Relations. Oxford University, Oxford England. 1983

Bachelors of Arts. Political Science. University of Panama 1981


DeSilva, R. (2005, February). America to Africa-Church to Church: Utilization of International Networks in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education, and Treatment Strategies. In C. M. Bhattia (Chair), New Approaches in Fight Against HIV/AIDS. Forum conducted at Global UNAIDS meeting in Geneva.

DeSilva, R. & Beregina, A. (2005). Church-to-Church: Expanding Social Networks in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education and Treatment. Journal of Sociological Trends, 63 (9), 328-341


Spanish, Mother Tongue. Fluent in English and French.


Microsoft Office 2000. Have certificate in ICDL.

(Do not exceed 3 pages)

With this guide in your hands, create an achievement-CV now and apply to your next job with it. Let me know if you see magical results.

Note: This article is part of a series of articles I am working on with the British Council in my volunteer role as the Ambassador for Decent Work and Economic Growth.

If you have studied in the UK, you can find me here on the Alumni UK platform with more articles and great work in the pipeline.


