Achieve your goals by unfocusing
Peter Nguyen
CEO and founder, OES (AI Company), digital marketing teacher, business consultant, author
Yes, yes, I know it sounds blasphemous... How the heck can you achieve your goal WITHOUT focusing???
My kid brother Joe has been telling me, for the last 20 years, to focus. He has a much higher net worth than I, which is outrageous! How can he humiliate me in public like this??? I've been nothing but a loving, supportive big brother to him!! lol
Anyways, a few weeks back, I came across a Youtube video or lecture, rather, by professor Jeff Clune where he explained that often, one CAN achieve objectives precisely by... not focusing on a plan or insisting that things have to happen in a certain (usually rational) way.
He cited the book Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned, which I googled right away:
You can find Youtube videos by the author, Kenneth Stanley. It's fascinating how he explains the way major discoveries and inventions have been made, apparently, without having a clear goal in mind.
Anyways, as you know, my goal is to become a billionaire by 2026 and one pathway to getting there is through my Artificial Business Intelligence -- ABI would be like Google, accessible to everyone on the planet, but it would help users to build their business, not get answers.
But how the heck do I make that happen???
And then it happened a few weeks ago.
I don't know why but I stumbled upon tools enabling me to create voice apps, that is, software programs controlled purely by voice.
In a previous post, I shared the demo video of the Linkedin Voice App, which enables Linkedin users to just speak and then their computer types out a specific message (previously programmed by them) into the Linkedin messaging box.
Video demo here:
I'm currently creating tons of other voice apps for many career/business use scenarios.
And then, also serendipitously, I re-discovered Manychat which I played with in 2017. But it was only starting at the time so I didn't take it seriously.
Today, I use it to create a chatbot that guides entrepreneurs (I've got 7,300 members interested) through the business planning process and at the end, my ABI can generate the perfect business plan for them.
40% of this custom business plan is emailed to them and if they like it, they can order the FULL version for only $97.
In any case, my point is, just state your goal and keep reminding yourself.
Indeed, the voice programming tools came to me naturally, even accidentally. So did my rediscovery of Manychat.
These powerful tools are CRUCIAL to create multimillion-dollar companies. I can explain, rationally, how they can be used to create ENORMOUS value for an UNLIMITED number of people and, therefore, make a LOT of money in the process.
Being able to explain HOW you will become rich is super-important because, as I mentioned earlier, "poverty requires no explanation, but wealth does."
If you have a financial goal and you CAN explain, technically and rationally, how it will happen, then you're half-way there.
For instance, my short-term goal was to produce, in passive income, $20,000 per month. But I had NO IDEA how to make it happen.
But now, with Manychat, I can -- at least on paper -- explain how it can happen.
I would need to have a converting chatbot that gets 200 subscribers paying $100 per month.
Or 2,000 subscribers paying $10 per month (as with Netflix or Primevideo).
They would remain subscribed because I would continually create NEW chat conversations that will help them to BUILD their businesses.
It's like having your own business consultant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for only $10 per month!
Of course, this is just a technical, theoretical explanation of how I would generate 20K in passive income (or what they call MRR for Monthly Recurring Revenue in the Saas world).
I still have to execute this plan.
Focused and sustained execution has been my biggest challenge in business. Perhaps it is my only challenge!
However, as soon as I start getting $10 subscribers, I suspect that it will keep me focused because I never defaulted on a contract before. If clients pay me, I do the work.
In conclusion, I encourage you to have clear, written goals and to take the immediate next steps to head toward them.
But also, don't forget to keep your mind OPEN to what the Universe sends your way.
In my case, I've learned that the Universe is way smarter than I am and can often see ways to achieve my goals that my (very limited) rational mind simply could not see.
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