Achieve Success in Excess this 2018
Romir Jacob
Qualified Human Resources & Project Management Professional seeking an enriching position
Happy New Year Everyone,
For those seeking to achieve their fitness goals for the year 2018 then fear not at all. Rome was not built in a day and neither will you
So instead of getting caught up in the little stuff, think broadly and visualize yourself achieving what you want to achieve at the end of the year pending any unexpected events or injuries .
One tool that will help you achieve this is the workout logbook/agenda/notebook etc.
The best ones that I recommend are the Mead ones sold in Walmart or the ' 2018 weekly/monthly planners'' sold in Dollarama . Bonus is the Dollarama logs come in a cover of vibrant green with flowers which makes it look good.
Now there are many benefits to the workout logbook but I think the three most important ones are accountability , clear path from Point A to Point Z, inspiration .
If u have not started, its never too late. So buy the workout log/journal.
Decide on your goal for the year. Lets just keep this as a long term goal so aim for December 31,2018.
Now since you have a whole year, break up the goal into small monthly goals that are easily achievable.
Every day you log in workouts . So say you workout Today , then log in next weeks workout for Today using todays workout as a reference point as to how to scale it while still keeping the big picture of your December 31st goal in mind.
In addition set other goals for the accessory stuff that will aid in your big goal and I want you to set not just weekly goals but daily ones .
It is not tedious at all. Just something small like an extra rep on the next week, or a jump in weight used by x amount provided you hit a certain amount of reps.
Then add conditions such as proper form , stretch before and after workout so that this is always cued into you day and day out.
Dont u complain . This is for you, by you so embrace the journey.
Most importantly you will be kept injury free assuming you are not reckless. By logging in your information , you will have a good idea of your progress , shortcomings , energy levels and will perform as such instead of going in to the gym recklessly and having a non productive workout .
With that being said I wish u the best of success in excess for December 31, 2018.
Do share with me your journey as well so we can all help each other.
Using myself, , one of my goals is to have a better 2018 than my 2017 , smaller goals are to get more sleep before workouts, be more efficient . I have entered in my workouts for this week, and two for next . I practice what I preach .
I divided up my weight training and cardio into blocks scheduled around my life. Im sure you will find a way for yours. Like I give myself the week of my birthday an off from the gym, as well as the weeks of religious events so I can focus on those .
The sky is really the limit as to what you can do with this . And this does not apply to fitness, you can do this for your work. Now imagine achieving success in not only your personal goals but work ones as well.
So once again, best of luck, one month, one week, one day , one session , at a time..