Achieve more! But, how?
Let me give you some context
You must have heard someone say: "I can't do it, it's too difficult!" or the familiar voice in your head telling you: "Nah! You cannot do that..". Fear, they say, is the strongest emotion. It is definitely hard to overcome that. But then what? How do some of us who may not be such natural hard-workers, talented for sure - but not being able to put in that extra effort or drive that through passion - fight this feeling and achieve more?
What is grit?
Think hard. Chalk down some of your most important goals. Now, to achieve them, you need an inner drive, some passion, and hope that you can complete those goals. You must be able to consistently keep trying and keep working towards achieving those goals. Take it easy to begin with by having smaller goals like.. uhmm.. working out for one full month? Read a book every month for three months on the trot? Setting yourself these goals and then training your mind to persevere and achieve those goals is what's called: Grit! It is the most important factor for long-term success, even beats IQ, oh yes!
Watch this TED talk by Angela Lee Duckworth:
Let's start..
Okay, now, let's set goals and get ready to test and grow yourself mentally. Growth is amazing. Think of what it means to you? Write down a few goals you would really want to achieve, and do not get over ambitious to start with. Set smaller goals with another larger agenda on your mind: You will revise these goals and make them gradually more tough. It could be a game-changer if you start knocking of these goals one by one and keep setting bigger goals. Train your mind and have faith.?
We do need a book
Get a good book on mental toughness or grit - and read a page everyday to keep feeling more motivated. Think of it like your quads - you got to train and build them for them to become stronger.
Daily habits and starting with sense of achievement
Practice and more practice makes us perfect? Yeah, we need to do everyday, meaning if do things regularly, we start developing that habit of being gritty. We start achieving one day at a time. Just be consistent!
Personal example
I have never been a workout person. Yeah, I did some jogging for a few months but did not continue that consistently. Similarly, I did workout here and there for a few weeks but could never continue that. So I tell myself one fine day that I can do better. Actually it took more than just one day.?
I set goals to workout for one month, complete this goal, and then keep doing it consistently week after week even if I do not feel motivated or do not want to do it all. I had to build a habit and keep reminding myself that I had to be healthy, grow my muscles, and become stronger... and stay that way. Yeah, so I keep doing that, and week after week, I started feeling better. I looked back at that one full month and got more excited to stay put.
I had my bad days. I had a week or two where I could not do it at all. But I stuck at it and kept finding a way to get back into the routine. Yes, it does become easier over time. And then this one long-term achievement starts reflecting onto your other things - you feel you can do so much more with consistency in everything you do.. your work? Oh yes, it does help in that area too.
I'd leave you with a few book suggestions