Achieve Miracle through Visualization and Attain your Million Dollar Business Goal..
Prof Pravat Mahapatra PreDoc (Uni Turin, Italy), Doc(EU), Post Doc(Boston)
A Career Prep Educator, Business Professor and India's Pioneering Leadership Coach since 1989
Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a “real” one. Your nervous system reacts appropriately to what you think or imagine to be true-Maxwel Maltz
The positive flow of energy of vividly imagined experience we go through when our mind is totally silent and mind is not disturbed by the chatter. The positive heightened experience comes when we wake up early in the morning, while doing yoga/om chanting, while offering a prayer.
Otherwise our reactive mind is constantly busy inner chatter in making assumptions, reacting to events and stereo typing. Leaders are the one who are self-aware, disciplined and follow a positive ritual to engage in heightened experience. The more disciplined the person is the more successful the person is. The discipline comes through religious practices and rituals.
Leaders set impossible goals. They work on a larger vision that keeps him and his team engaged. It allows them work on a larger canvass while making best use of today’s opportunity. Similarly companies who become good to great set impossible goal. And that is how they disrupt existing market by starting small.
It is all about law of attraction. The magic of thinking big and think and grow rich. Honestly more Indian business run on the fundamentals of pop psychology/self help book than fundamentals taught by Peter Drucker or Harvard class room.
The Art of Thinking Big
Imagine you have a Saudi investor, who is ready to invest Rs10,000 cr in your business. What you have to do is create a solid business plan for 5-7 years. Articulating your vision with what, who, where and how of the business. You are given 100 days to prepare the presentation.
Now you have to wear a future hat. And dream about your future business. You decide to go on a retreat to a foreign exotic island location or village country side of your native. You may hire a yoga guru or a NLP specialist who helps you visualise your future.
Immediately you will start putting your thought into words. Hire a coach to articulate it better. Get a board of advisors who will provide you advice on marketing, financial planning and talent management.
First you think through who will be your ideal customers. What services are needed by them and how your business is fulfilling their need? You work on a prototype of the product. Create a sample and test market it in your neighborhood. And now as you are convinced about the product you want to create a structure that will sustain your business.
Go to remote location, where you are not disturbed or a hill top focus on your dream, what kind of competency will be needed to make the future happen. Your HR adviser will help you to put a structure in place. He will help you visualise the key players or partners and competencies that are needed for each role. You may decide to hire them or form an initial team of founders.
Your financial adviser will help you to create a template for income and expenditure.
You are using the designing thinking approach of beginning with end in mind. The approach is simple instead of thinking small by investing personal money, you are thinking big and executing big on other people’s money. That needs capability beyond individual expertise. It needs the expertise to plan and executing by putting right resources in right time, in right place.
Imagine the Indian Premier League launch in Cricket. The way it was planned and executed in a grand scale has changed the face of Indian cricket today. The same is true with airline business. Indigo Airlines in India never believed in starting small. From the beginning it made record breaking purchases of Airbus aircraft. The planning and system was in place by the time airline started functioning. The meticulous detail they follow has made them the largest and most profitable airline in India.
Now imagine the Saudi investor withdraws and you have invested your time and money in creating the blue print.
The whole business is running in your mind like a mental movie. Thank the Saudi investor for withdrawing and go ahead talk about your business to banks and other smaller investors and even customers. In no time the law of attraction will work and your business will flow.
Guided Visualisation and Golf
A golfer spends about 86% of their time doing nothing but wrestling with their thoughts and emotions, feeling one way or another about what is taking place, feeling exhilaration or anger, struggling to keep focused, worrying about what’s happened or what is up ahead.” It only stands to reason that if 86% of the time spent playing the game is dominated by thought and emotion, not physical action, that 86% of the success/failure determination is due to management of thoughts and emotions, not swing mechanics or putting prowess. This same thing is true in every athletic activity and business, so more and more coaches are devoting more and more time and energy to mental preparation and psychological motivation for training.
Successful men and women have, since the beginning of time, used mental pictures and rehearsal practice to achieve success. Napoleon, for example, practiced soldiering in his imagination, for many years before he ever went on an actual battlefield. Webb and Morgan in their book Making the Most of Your Life, tell us that “the notes Napoleon made from his readings during these years of study filled, when printed, four hundred pages. He imagined himself as a com- mander, and drew maps of the island of Corsica showing where he would place his calculations with mathematical precision.”
Time Magazine reported that, when Ben Hogan was playing in a tourna- ment, he mentally rehearsed each shot, just before making it He made the shot perfectly in his imagination — felt the clubhead strike the ball just as it should, felt himself performing the perfect follow-through — and then stepped up to the ball, and depended on what he called “muscle memory” to carry out the shot just as he imagined it.
Pop Psychology vs Peter Drucker
Bill gates started Microsoft and dropped out of college after reading the book’The Science of Getting Rich”. Rhonda Byne after going though failure in life read the same book and made internationally successful documentary’ The Secret”. The whole networking marketing business is based on the ‘ Magic of Thinking Big’.
Soon after my graduation in 1985, while my friends were planning their next education, I started dreaming about starting my own business. Always, magazine articles on business start- ups always fascinated me.
My father thought, I would do a good chartered accountant because, I had above 80 percent marks the university in accountancy paper and made me enroll as an intern in a CA firm. Soon enough the MBA bug caught my fancy, as I thought CA is a dull boring number crunching job.
I started dreaming going to USA and went to Chennai, for coaching. I prepared for MBA entrance very intensely, worked on my English and Math without realizing my family's handicap in financing my dream. Any how, I become a walking dictionary of English words and started writing for national news papers such as Times of India and New Indian Express.
Nevertheless, the thought to start a coaching centre always remained in the back of my mind, as I saw it as great business opportunity. The MBA Entrance preparation helped me excel in all India banking and other service examinations. During my intense preparation, I had found a trick to do math faster.
Instead of doing physically, I used to practice math mentally in my ideal time. Visualising and solving problems helped me finish two hour exam in one and half hour and some time less than that.
Nevertheless my interest was starting on my own. After coming back to my home state, in my ideal time dreamt of starting a coaching centre and approached various colleges and training centres about giving us a place. Even I started helping my friends by preparing mock test papers in our public speaking group.
Soon enough, I started getting offer to teach in English speaking classes and other training centres. Even, I joined a computer training centre as a coordinator in the start-up stage.
In 1989 November, I was visiting Kolkota with my parents on a family trip. In t Kolkota station,I picked the book 'Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill'.
Till then life was directionless and was finding my career challenging and had two part time jobs one in Lakhotia Computer Centre and another in a coaching centre as a teacher, where I had part invested. For our family my father was facing impending retirement and mother was suffering from cancer.
The coaching centre too was going through a challenging time and the man who founded it, was after me to take it over.
I did not sleep and read the book,' Think and Grow Rich" in the night. Napoleon Hill’s advice of using mental imagery of earning money helped me to hold a particular amount in my mind as income. The facet of mentally imagining the exact amount of money you want to acquire, creating a master mind group and acquiring specialized knowledge fascinated me. In no time, I took over the tutorials where I was teaching and began a successful career.
After taking over the centre, I found few friends as partners and we together invested in starting the centre with a bang. My two friend’s expertise in computer training helped us get the initial number but in six months, I found myself refunding the fee collected and I was staring at a debt of over a Lakh or two as one of my partner had not taken care of students and was making big promises. Eventually both of them exited. My decision was not to quit and I had for myself empty classrooms as all the furniture was sold as a settlement with my partners.
In the hours of despair, I still remember, the day, when I was seating in the empty class room and imagined of having full class room and started singing the song from Mera naam joker Hindi movie, Jeena yahan marna yahan (I will live here and die here) … During the period I repeated myself ‘Winner never quits and quitter never wins’.
I saw filling up my mind with students in the class room. Teaching 1000s of students. I still remember preparing a one million rupee business plan. For a person who had invested Rs 10,000 from father’s retirement fund a million rupees, a year turnover was too huge in 1990. I started vividly visualising the number of students coming, and started teaching in the empty class room. It was crazy stuff but worked. Immediately, I found vendors who helped me to get the furniture on loan. The staff supported me in going for the kill. And achieved 10 fold business of my first year target in next two to three years.
Then, I saw a quantum jump in my career and business. The coaching business grew 10000 fold , giving us respect, unprecedented wealth and helping me help more than 10000 students in 15 years of our association till we sold it.
Today the students we coached are the leaders of Indian Industry. With a BCom degree I helped thousand career aspirants to join the top B-schools in India and abroad for their MBA.
My life is full of quantum jumps and all of them came after a period of darkest hours. Somehow, I always found a great answer during the periods of total pain.
Every failure in life provides an equal or greater opportunity to succeed in life: Napolean Hill..
An avid reader of self-help books/pop psychology, I always believed in NLP, law of attraction and mental imagery. And I regularly practiced yoga, especially Bhramari. During my business days these books always provided me direction in life. Similarly, I always invested on workshops such as NLP certification, EI and coaching.
Good books helps us kindle positive energy and it drives passion in us by creating images of what we would love to accomplish. The book Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, The Art and Science of Success by Edwardo Debono and You will See it and When you believe it by Wayne Dyer helped me always visualise my goals.
Especially Mawell Maltz talks about the concept of Shadow Boxing practiced by Champion Boxers i.e. the future champions instead of fighting real boxers practice beating an imaginary opponent.
He also has talked about a world chess champion with unknown background could world chess champion. What he did was retire to a farm house months before the championship and practiced all the moves mentally.
In 1992, Just after my marriage I was given Psycho cybernetics by a chistian priest. Soon enough, I bought a cricket bat and shadow practiced my batting. In my child hood days I was known as a bowler, who bowl very fast with a deadly in swinger. Nevertheless my batting averaged around two. Soon enough, I bought a cricket bat and shadow practiced all cricketing shots. My wife was surprised to see my madness. After a month days of shadow practice, I went to local cricket ground where the state level cricketers practice. In 15 days I did not lose my wicket and started hitting bowlers all round the corner. I decided to use it in my classes while teaching students for CAT and Bank PO preparation. I asked them to focus on visualisation/mental practice more then pen and paper practice. Result was dramatic, I became one of the most popular teacher and started writing about my techniques in The Times of India.
In 1996, December I attended the one week NLP certification program by Dr Richard Bandler in Bangalore. It was an amazing experience, practicing visualisation and NLP techniques with around 150 best practitioners drawn across the country including Swami Sukhobadhananda. As a part of practice sessions, we were asked to form pairs and practice visualisation of future you see yourself. When everyone was practicing visualisation on how to use it as a trainer. I was already a successful entrepreneur with an MBA entrance coaching centre in Bhubaneswar. My visualisation was more towards my unfulfilled dream of going abroad and doing my masters and helping MBA entrance students crack CAT and XAT(the Indian equivalent of GMAT).
Just after my NLP certification I took a group my students for an NLP three day retreat to Chilika, lake in Odisha, India. The serene atmosphere of Chilika created a great ambiance for visualisation and NLP anchoring. I made all the students visualise being in the B-school of their dreams and anchored with positives by replacing old negative patterns. To my utter surprise majority of students made it to top B-schools including some few average performers. Result was miraculous almost 17 out of 19 students joined top business school. After that I made the retreat into an annual event. What visualisation achieved in three days, could not be achieved earlier in three month of class room training on IQ. In a way EO scored over IQ. The confidence NLP build by banishing fear and self-doubt by anchoring them to future success.
The picture we see in mind manifests in life and impression we hold comes true. As Sadguru says whatever you ask with faith manifests. Probably as a teacher without MBA my trust and simple faith drove me to influence my students.
The picture we see in mind manifests in life and impression we hold comes true. As Sadguru says whatever you ask with faith manifests.
Personally next year I could join MBA in a premier business school in Holland and got a European commission funded doctoral scholarship and studied in Italy. Both goals were achieved after the retreats and visualising my personal goals, while my students were visualising theirs.
After NLP certification, I literally became a waking dreamer of visiting Europe and doing my MBA. I collected brochures of various programs. Went on visualising my dream, when I continued practicing NLP, while conducting workshops for local corporates and my students in the classes. When one of my associates showed me the brochure of Maastricht School of Management MBA Program, I was quite impressed. At that time the college was ranked amongst top 30 in the world and Prof N.K.Singh was in charge of India outreach program. One day, in a Bhubaneswar hotel corridor, all of a sudden, I saw the Prof Singh appear from nowhere. When he was crossing me, I muttered ‘N.K.Singh, I presume”. The old man was surprised to see a stranger approaching and calling his name. Then when I introduced myself, he could recognise me immediately as one of my friend few days prior to that had spoken highly of me. And rest is history.
In 1999, after doing my MBA from Maastricht School of Management from the India outreach program, I was fascinated by word cross culture and wanted to learn another foreign language, especially French. My MBA provided me a month of cross cultural exposure to Holland and neighboring countries such as Belgium,Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland during our graduation. I wanted to have a greater exposure of Europe. I started reading all the literature on cross culture and searched various cross cultural programs in Europe. I found the programs mostly were three to six months duration. I started dreaming of attending a program like that. When I was conducting an NLP retreat workshop for my students, I started visualising of being in an Europian house , Cycling, and Skiing in Alps.
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams , and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. — Henry David Thoreau
My visualisation was quite vivid, then on my regular trip to Europe started. Next year, I got a scope to accompany my juniors from India outreach -program for the Europe visit. During my second visit infact my desire for the cross-cultural program became more vivid. To my amazement I found an advertisement by one of the Indian business schools in Economist magazine for a doctoral cross cultural program totally funded by European commission. When I approached the b-school, we immediately struck balance. I got the chance to participate in cross cultural doctoral program that included 6 months of immersion of Italian business study SAA School of Management, University of Turin, in Italy followed by three years of research in India. During the period, I stayed at an Italian Home, skied in Alps and had a cycle for myself during the whole period.
I always had great experience with visualization and I always surprised myself because of success I got. As a person I never saw any limits. Whatever I dreamed, I went after it. All the places I visited, the luxury cars-I drove and the organisations, I joined/created were part of my dream.
I followed that up with an international career working in Holland, Paris, Muscat, Dubai and board positions in major business houses. Consulted the top companies like MSM Holland, MBA Center in Paris, TATAs, Maersk in Dubai, Accenture, NALCO and ADB was part of my dream and by adopting similar process.
More than me, today I am really happy, when my students and clients, who are current industry leaders, get connected to me in Linkedin and remember the visualization retreat. In fact my nephew attributes to fulfilling his London dream and working for his dream companies such as Accenture, to the visualisation classes he attended during his holidays.
In fact using by using visualization, we could raise 100's of crores for some of the companies, I worked for and consulted with..
Lessons from Failure
Similarly in recent years my failure in various projects/jobs in big four MNC consulting companies is the part of my negative visualisation. It was the result of associating with people who, I could not trust. If you are around people, who do not trust, your mind gets high-jacked into thinking negative. Again when you get into a tussle with a co-worker or boss both of you become a victim of manipulation. Until, you stage a walk out from the organisation or situation you become a victim.
The job/business that occupies you and helps you utilise your full potential invokes positive dreams. In such assignments you become the best you can be.
As we become more educated, we become more questioning and we lose our naiveté. The real benefit comes to the person who believes in something puts all his energy with passion.
We consultant/coaches must be reflective practitioners and apply in our own life or coaching practice the same approach we preach by using self as an experimental ground.
In recent times, I have turned an opposite after three short tenures in prestigious assignments and failing deliver the promises, I realised with education, I have acquired knowledge, but failed to use them practically. The skeptic in me acts more like a victim and creates monsters who appear in my real life in the form of bosses or ex colleagues. A blind faith of using principles of one book than cockiness of knowledge acquired by reading thousands of books or getting international Doctoral education.
My failure was due to cockiness made me doubt everything that was offered to me. With doubt comes resistance that results in talking down others. When you do it, it comes to you in the same token. Then what you attract with power of attraction becomes ephemeral. It vanishes in the thin air as it comes.
Through law of attraction you can attract your dream girl to your life but to have life long partnership requires total surrender to her with love by accepting the reality with all her imperfections with an attitude of gratitude.
The big organisations we attract, the big names we attract,the big toy you attract stays with you only when you are grateful and surrender yourself with love to the present moment in all its facets. You do your best by being the best version called you during all imperfections and not by criticizing any thing. And never by joining the band of critics..
As Wayne Dyer says surrendering to the situation brings god in you. Be grateful to every thing, the day, the neighborhood, the traffic, the corruption, your critics, people who put obstacles in your path, people mock you and even your sworn enemy. Because of the imperfections you will be always be in the path of leadership.
A young boy career aspirant attends a two days business leadership program and gets buoyed up in energy and launches a million dollar start-up. While a MBA from a top business school with years of industry experience who was the co-participants does not find any value and still struggles in his start-up.
Education many times instead of giving wisdom imprisons our mind as we become more aware of imperfections. The key to making money is blind faith, passion and self- belief which comes through not knowing the obstacles ahead.
Luckily, I am making all-out effort to rekindle my dream and career though positive visualization, meditation, positive affirmation and acting as if.
I am also helping entrepreneurs/ C-Suite executives/ Startup CEOs from India and middle east create dream business for themselves through a two day one on one/small group personal retreat in Rishikesh in India/ Sharkiya in Oman/ Florence in Italy/ any remote location. The two days are an un-encumbered tapasya on their dream. During the period we create a flight plan detailing next five to seven year goal.
We create a vision board taking into account end goals and not means goals. My client act as if he is in 2022 and I and my other members of team throw a small evening party to celebrate his success.
I also conduct a 360 degree feed back review and create individual development plan .
The retreat is followed by a year long coaching and bimonthly master mind group participation. During the mastermind bimonthly group 1o-16 of my clients come together and form a peer learning group in resolving common business issues.
A man with passion and dream has no limits and finds way to bring his dream to fruition.
Here is an adapted version of the visualization practice, I do with my students/clients that can be practiced by business owners, start ups CEOs, C-Suite Executives, Re-entry women and even fresh graduate career aspirants..
It is now try to wear your future hat. Find a quiet place. Where nobody can disturb you for next 40 minutes. Start counting your breathing backward from 100 to 1. As you breathe in feel the air inflating your tummy and flattens it as you breathe out.
As you do it you feel totally relaxed. All the anxieties in your body are getting reduced. Slowly and steadily you are getting lifted from the place where ever you are to another year another world i.e. your future 5-7 years from now.
How your professional life looks like: Where are you working? Gurgaon Sky scrapers? London financial capital? Silicon Valley?
You are chairman of a company that employs more than 40,000 employees that has been listed in New York stock exchange. You have been covered in the Times Magazine as an entrepreneur of the future.
Imagine having dinner with the Richard Bronson in his own Canary Island as a special invitee with other millionaires in the world. A gala dinner as you discuss business and strike deals with best of the best in the world.
Where do you live? How many houses you have? A big farm house in your city? Central London? South of France? Monaco? A private island?
How do you travel? Private jet? What car do you drive? A jaguar? A Merc? Ferrari? Ducati? Lamborghini? Any car of your dreams..
How are you contributing to the society? What projects are you involved in? Who are part of developmental exchange group?
Imagine your bank account? Imagine your going to the bank and signing a million dollar cheque that gets immediately cashed.
Create the best day in your life. How does it look? Start from the morning and going for a walk or jog. Having your breakfast with family. Going to your office in your dream car?
Dream about the neighborhood you are passing through while reaching office? See your office, your co-workers and meetings you conduct as vividly as possible in the theater of your mind. In the evening that day you are seating on your garden alone and undisturbed. And thinking about how the success came and how you created the dream business.
How you created a 7 years business plan as if you had an investors who is ready to invest 10,000 cr in your plan. The business plan was the detailed flight plan of your journey to the future. It had all the details about the grand marketing launch plan, the people you wanted to hire.
If you want to book yourself for a retreat and join my one year coaching and mastermind program call me at 9910517712/ send a mail.
Independent Practitioner
8 年Enjoyed reading the article--Thanks
Business Head - FITFLOP India (Metro Brands Ltd) | Ex-Flipkart | Ex-Amazon | IIMC
8 年It was to good Prof Pravat Mahapatra. Really motivating.
3x Author | TEDx Speaker | Head of Training | Head of Institution | Economist | 3x Entrepreneur | Interim CEO | REX Karmaveer Global Fellow
8 年An excellent article Pravat. Thank you for sharing your personal, inspiring journey ! Warmly, Imon
A Career Prep Educator, Business Professor and India's Pioneering Leadership Coach since 1989
8 年Thanks Baljit