Aches & Pains

Aches & Pains

Lets talk about metaphors today, and specifically...

Cars :) 

I'm doing this off the back of an assessment last night 

with a mechanic

So had a lot to learn as I make a LOT of car analogies

"Running it into the ground"

"Not checking the oil, letting the tyres get bald, general wear and tear"

"Revving without fuel in the tank" 

But the thing I didn't know about properly, was how antifreeze works

More specifically, and this is what I'm going to relate it to: 

How stretching COULD be making you more injury prone!

Over the years, you might've picked up a few:

- aches & pains

- injuries

- posture issues

But it's important to know that if you're training & getting active now...

You SHOULDN'T be static stretching before you start your workout!

What? Huh? Who? 

This might go against everything you've read/heard before

But let me explain: 

You warm up, get nice and loose

and then stand there posing whilst trying to grab your toes 


 HR is going down

Body temperature is going down

Your warm up is becoming pointless!

So, this is why you shouldn't stretch static whilst you're preparing to workout 

What to do instead?

Moving stretches!

Go through the full range of movement, of all your joints, at a fairly brisk pace...

to keep your heart rate up, but also prep your body for moving!!!

As moving is the key :) 

You've got to give yourself time to get the oil into your joints, get your engine revved up, and then it'll be a smoother ride

So, there's something you can go & tell a friend now

Well, that & that I make crappy car analogies when Im working with a client



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