Achar Ke Vichar -? Powerful Ways to Lead by Example
Dr. Sriharsha A Achar
First up a Good Human Being. Then the rest. Founder - S A A H A S / Former CHRO / Life Coach / Inspirational Speaker & Storyteller / Published Author / HR Advisor / Advisory Board Member / Certified Independent Director
Achar Ke Vichar -? Powerful Ways to Lead by Example
There are few things more annoying than a deceitful leader. We all know the boss who regularly leaves the office early for personal plans, but demands everyone stay until exactly 5 P.M. and the manager who assigns you impossible tasks, then shirks responsibility when the outcome is (predictably) less than desired.
When you say one thing and do another, your team will ask, "If he doesn't do it, why should I?" Your hypocrisy fosters resentment, suspicion, mistrust and doubt. To be a truly effective leader, you must lead by example.
Leadership only succeeds when it shows others how to extend and push for greatness. Your team should look at you and think, "If she can do it, I can, too." True leaders do not whip their team into shape from the back of the pack -- that's a dictatorship. They lead the charge, while carrying their share of the weight.
Here's nine ways you can lead the charge as a better leader:
1.??? Get your hands dirty - If the leader in the room is willing to get up to their elbows in something that's "not their job," not one other person will be able to complain about it.
2.??? Take responsibility
3.??? Listen to your team members
4.??? Acknowledge -- and even celebrate – failure - If you want a truly extraordinary team, celebrate failure
5.??? Create solutions
6.??? Take care of yourself - It all starts with being healthy. Balance is key: model taking breaks, exercising, eating well, and getting away from the office from time to time. Encourage your team to live mentally and physically balanced lives and you will support your company's success ten-fold.
7.??? Be truthful - Honesty really is the best policy. Dishonesty affects everything and everyone: relationships, decision-making, communication, and more. Though honesty is difficult at times, your honesty as a leader is vital to maintaining organizational health.
8.??? Follow your own rules - This should go without saying, but do as I say, not as I do is a horrible leadership motto. If you're not willing to follow the rules, why should anyone else? Establish rules, and stick to them.
9.??? Establish a baseline of excellence
Leading by example is the fastest way to train a team. When you hold yourself to a high standard, your team will look to gain your approval by doing the same. They will rise to our expectations of excellence, integrity, and respect when you give them the same. And when your team is composed of excellence, you are sure to see success.