Achar Ke Vichar – Dos and DONTs for social media.
Dr. Sriharsha A Achar
First up a Good Human Being. Then the rest. Founder - S A A H A S / Former CHRO / Life Coach / Inspirational Speaker & Storyteller / Published Author / HR Advisor / Advisory Board Member / Certified Independent Director
Achar Ke Vichar – Dos and DONTs for social media.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, by now you must be aware that social media has completely taken over people’s lives.
Be it letting the world know where you’re headed by “checking in” on Facebook; or outraging about the topic of the day on Twitter; or posting pictures of the burger you ate with a silly hashtag on Instagram.
However, there are certain perils of social media which in the excitement of sharing stuff, we often overlook. You never know who’s watching or tracking your social media activity.
So, here is a list of what you shouldn’t share on social media...
· Your full date of birth - If you think that sharing your full date of birth on Facebook cannot pose a problem for you, you’re wrong. Surprisingly, many people use their date of birth (even if not in the right order) as their password of one or more account. When you share your date of birth online, you are giving out information that may prove useful for hackers.
· Your location - We are stating the obvious but sometimes it needs to be done. You may not be aware of it, but someone may just be stalking you. By giving away your location on social media, you are telling them your whereabouts literally at the click of a button.
· Your address - Why share something extremely personal as your address online? It is a potential safety hazard and anyone can just show up at your front door just because you shared your address.
· Your phone number - Social media sites, especially Facebook, is encouraging you to share your phone number. If you are really keen on doing so, the least you can do is change your privacy settings to ‘Only Me.’ This way, no one but you will know what your phone number is – and you already know your phone number, don’t you?
· Vacation Plans - What could go wrong in telling your friends that you’re off to Europe or on a girl’s only trip to Thailand? Think again. By disclosing your vacation plans, you are sending out open invites to burglars to strike at your home. You can always post those amazing pictures from the trip once you are back.
· Anything you don't want shared - You went to a college reunion and had a drink one too many. Your friends clicked – perhaps embarrassing -- pictures and shared them on Facebook or Instagram. Anything that you don’t want certain people on your friend list (or even those who aren’t on your friend list) to see, don’t share it online. And if a friend of yours has already shared it, then request them to take it down.
· Too much information about your job - This one is also obvious, but I’ll reinforce it. You needn’t share too much information about your job. You don’t want to give away what you’re getting done at work or how.