ACEVO recommends: July 2024

ACEVO recommends: July 2024

“ACEVO recommends”?is a monthly blog that curates noteworthy resources, content, and events pertinent to sector leaders.

UK civic space: what is happening?

Bond’s review identifies key trends and developments of restrictions affecting campaigners in the UK, covering the period from April 2023 to March 2024. Its aim is to inform civil society and campaigners about the operating environment and evolving challenges they face. This year’s review highlights three key trends, an emerging development, and presents our forecast for the year ahead.

National Work Life Week

Working Families’ national campaign – National Work Life Week – will take place between 7-11 October 2024. The theme this year is about discovering what flexible working means to you. There are hundreds of types of flexible working available, all of which can impact our lives and improve our wellbeing.

How can charities show support for LGBTQIA+ communities beyond Pride Month?

“External and internal communications need to be very clear and steadfast about the charity’s stance on an issue or event that affects communities. When a message of support for LGBTQIA+ communities gets watered down, de-valued, or misrepresented, the message fails to get across its intended impact.” Graysen Whittaker, deputy CEO at Proud Changemakers, writes for CharityComms about maintaining strength in inclusive communications.

New guide to help charities with banking services

UK Finance has launched a new site including a step-by-step digital guide and FAQ to support charities and other voluntary organisations open and manage bank accounts. The new site also includes a free account finder tool, to help organisations in the voluntary sector find the best account for their needs. It also provides voluntary sector organisations tailored guidance to help work out their organisation structure, decide on their banking needs, and ensure they have everything they need to open and maintain their account.

Forgotten generation: shaping better services for children and young people

New NHS Providers report hopes to highlight the importance for all trusts and foundation trusts of prioritising improving outcomes for children and young people. The findings demonstrate that where one part of the system fails to meet children and young people’s needs, there will be a knock-on impact elsewhere on service demand. Without concerted action, we are storing up problems for future demand and society at large.

Trading for good: new funded programme

Gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to develop and grow projects that tackle social and environmental challenges through strong trading income streams. Trading for Good is a new programme by the School for Social Entrepreneurs that provides funding, education and support for social entrepreneurs and community businesses across England. The programme includes a Match Trading Grant, learning and development programme and your own ready-made network.

From commitment to action: sharing examples of climate-conscious changes

Carol Mack, ACF chief executive, discusses the Funder Commitment on Climate Change progress report and the benefits of sharing and learning from other foundations.



