Ace your Videoconference Interview!
Sudhir Gujar
Human Capital | Workforce Planning | Talent Acquisition | Performance Management | Human Resources Business Support Professional
Many people are of the opinion, that a face-to-face, offline interview is the most toughest interview to face. This opinion takes a 180 degree turn when they face the camera, and what can be construed as the latest challenge for a job-seeker- The Videoconference Interview!
Nowadays, Videoconference (VC) Interviews are not just conducted through the ever-dependable app called Skype... There are a plethora of options available, and apps which were once considered un-businesslike, are now major tools for such interviews- WhatsApp, Facetime, Google Hangouts and Facebook Messenger to name a few.
You may have experienced VC interviews before or you may have never even installed an app like those mentioned above. In both cases, you are what you are- A candidate who is on the verge of securing that prime position in that most sought-after organization, who just needs to clear this major hurdle!
Firstly, let us see why Videoconference recruitment interviews are in vogue these days from a Recruiter's point of view.
a) It saves them a lot of travel time. There is no immediate need to travel from Doha to Tokyo (or New York to Mumbai) to interview a/ potential candidate(s). Furthermore, three people sitting in different parts of the world can join in for a shared conference to interview a candidate based in another location.
b) Quicker Turnaround Time enabling faster decisions and thus, get to fulfill a vacancy in a possibly lesser time.
c) It optimizes their cost. While Technology cost is involved, it can be successfully covered up with efficient utility of the available resources over a period of time.
d) It ensures that the right candidates aren't "lost" by the recruiter.
e) It helps the recruiter/ interviewer to gauge the candidate and evaluate them based on their soft-skills viz. Body language, conduct and personal presentation, something which telephone interviews lack.
f) There is an easy retrieval and presentation of documents and files to facilitate the entire interview process. Recruiters can share their offer letters or terms and conditions on the spot if they find a potential candidate. Candidates, too, can share documents which they would have saved on their device aiding easy and prompt retrieval.
Now that you know Videoconference as a technology is probably here to stay, how do you, as an interview candidate, tackle this technological advancement? Here are some tips to help you bell the cat..the cat known as "Videoconference Interview"
(Image source:
1) What's in a name? A LOT!
Have a good, yet sober username of your app account. Usernames like "john.doe" or "john.21" or any similar username is considered apt. Names like "metalheadmonster" or "deatheagle666" aren't professional especially when it comes to you applying for executive or middle management positions. (Names used are purely coincidental!)
2) Watch your back!
Have a clear solid background behind you, preferably a plain white or solid light coloured wall. This should ensure the person at the other end doesn't get too distracted by the setting.
A "No" to clocks, moving décor pieces or even any paintings behind you. The interviewers should not be interested in the exquisite curtains behind you...Rather, YOU are the focus, and should remain so.
Ensure that the lighting in the room is not behind you as it may cause a silhouette effect. Instead, have the lighting in front of you. You may even use a table lamp to create the appropriate ambience.
3) Beep out the distractions!
If you have small children or even pets, ensure that they are outside your room under someone's supervision. Remember this?
(Image source: BBC News)
Close all windows and doors to stop external noise from disturbing you. Keep the Air-condition unit on a decent speed to ensure it doesn't rumble continuously throughout the interview.
Keep unrelated electronic devices and beepers away from you. Ensure that your phone is on vibrate mode, if not on silent.
Imagine you are giving that killer KO punch to your sales pitch, and all of a sudden, you get a call from a telemarketing agency and you forget your phone ringtone is set to "Kiki.. do you love me?"... Get it now?
4) A "Clothes" Call!
One of the most important elements of having a successful Videoconference is wearing the right attire.
If you're wearing spectacles, wear them correctly to ensure the monitor screen doesn't reflect on to your lens.
Try limiting the amount of jewelry on you to remove any potential distractions.
It is highly recommended to wear solid colours. Keep away from stripes or any distracting colours. The best colour which suits the setting is blue and its shades.
If you're wearing a coat, make sure it isn't striped or has distracting patterns on it.
If you do otherwise, there is a possibility that it may look like a you're wearing a running propeller engine whilst the video is actively on (also referred to as the Moiré effect)
(Image Credit: Serych at cs.wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)
5) Set up for success!.
"Well begun is half done!" - Aristotle
Get ready before the main event commences by "setting the table", which involves determining your ideal posture, viewing angle and microphone placement level and then sticking to these settings as far as practically possible.
See how you look on video to remove any lingering doubts about your appearance. Once you're set, make no changes unless absolutely required.
If you're using a PC or laptop, turn on your system's pop-up blocker. Log off all other instant messengers and active windows.
6) Test mode!
Have a test run with your family member or a friend, at least an hour before the interview. This will help ease out your nerves and make you aware of any potential glitches, if any. Experiment as much as possible.
In some cases, interviewers may arrange for their IT helpdesk staff to have an Audio-Video test run with you. Use that opportunity and ensure a trouble-free interview.
7) Keep 'em handy!
Have a notepad and pen with you to jot down any notes and details during the interview. If possible, have basic stationery items like a foot ruler, colour highlighter, and a calculator with you.
Keep your relevant documents , certificates and other important papers close by, within a viewing distance.
Keep a tall glass of water or a bottle of water close to you, and take occasional sips when you feel like. Try not to have carbonated drinks/ hard drinks etc., as having them portrays dependency on such products and also they might cause an unpleasant experience during the session.
8) Personal Hygiene
A highly under-rated element, attention to Personal hygiene is very important during the interview. From simple basic things like having neatly combed hair, appropriately maintained facial hair, to things like excusing yourself while dealing with a runny nose- all of it warrants your detailed attention. God manners are bankable assets!
When it comes to wearing personal makeup, try to use minimal make up with basic touch-ups. A heavy makeup may not blend well with the screen, especially if the video quality is patchy.
9) Pay attention!
Do not move around quickly or fidget much during your interview. Not only will you seem less confident, but the video play may be affected, thus affecting the flow of the interview.
Be attentive to your interviewer's body language. As a candidate, you may decipher them based on how you're answering certain questions.
10) Relax and be at ease.
It helps a lot more than you can imagine! Practice breathing exercises leading up to the interview day, and possibly, 10 minutes before the interview starts.
Stretch yourself prior to the interview, which will help loosen up your muscles, and alleviate some level of stress from your body.
11) It's just like the real thing!
Treat the interview as you would to a normal offline, face-to-face interview. The rules don't change much, and you're still expected to answer to the best of your abilities.
Don't hesitate to check with the interviewers whether the output is clear at their end. It's better to clarify once than to regret always.
Do ask relevant questions as you would in a normal interview.
(Image Source: Pinterest)
Hope these points will help you ace that VC Interview! Remember, almost all recruiters want you to succeed.. So give them a reason to place their faith in recruiting you.
If you have any further ideas or tips, please feel free to share in the comments section.
Here's wishing all candidates the very best in their future interviews!