Ace Your Online Interview!
Daniela Cervantes
Digital Communications, Content Producer, and Social Media Professional
From the three lessons that were presented this week, the one that stuck with me the most was Forbes' ‘How To Ace Your Job Interview Over Zoom.’ This video provided some great tips to help you bring your best to your online interviews and come across the way you want to be perceived.
One of the best tips provided was tip #5. This tip states "Demonstrate positive body language and behavior." While this is a given in regular interviews, it can be difficult to follow through these actions when you are interviewing through a computer. Therefore, it is always important to remember how to present yourself through the same actions, but more importantly, remember to remain focused and present with your body language.
The second best tip from the video was tip #6. This tip is sort of a continuation to the last one and it states to "Engage the Interviewer." It can be easy to lose focus or interest and this can be easily detected through one's eyes, smile, and even energy. Avoid looking bored and lackadaisical. Make sure you are aware of yourself and your actions and use your eyes and voice to show just how interested you are in the interview and the job.
I highlighted these tips specifically because of my most recent online interview. This interview was conducted over Zoom and I did so through the Zoom app on my phone. Already, that was a risky move. As I continued through my interview, I came across lots of mistakes of mine and I made sure to remember all of them once the interview ended. I remember having awful body language and more notably, I realized that I often became distracted and even lost focus at one point. Despite the interview process being the same in-person and online, the difference of the setting and being face-to-face with another person or technology makes all the difference. Thankfully, this interview came out successful, but nevertheless, I wish to better improve on my body language and focus for any future online interviews that may come.
This Week At My Internship:
I have grown more comfortable with my new routine and I look forward to getting to work everyday, but early this week I faced a dilemma. The power suddenly went out in the office and since I was the first one there on this day, I had to quickly?figure out what the situation was. I reached out to others in the building and learned that there was maintenance work being done. Learning this, I successfully and efficiently reached out to my supervisor and contributed to a game plan. Office hours were to be moved or done at home. And so, this week I had my first experience of “working at home.” With the sudden change early in my week, I realized just how much I have grown and adapted to a new professional setting. Before, I would have hesitated when it came to reaching out for help, but thanks to time and experience, I can say that I have become more prepared to become a professional once I graduate.