Ace your Job Interview (Tips & Tricks)

Ace your Job Interview (Tips & Tricks)

This article is about how to get up in the morning of your next interview full of confidence of nailing this interview and get a step closer to your career dream.

Based on my experience of working with over 500 MNC’s and helping them to recruit the best candidates for their team I will tell you how to leave the interview as a winner and get the job you really want!

If you like to know how to successfully apply and get the interview read the previous article.

This article takes about 10 minutes to read but it will make your next job interview your last interview!

Do you know that feeling of having an interview and getting nervous and fearing to fail this one chance to nail the job you really really want?

Don't worry anymore we got that covered!

There are 4 main steps to blow the recruiter's mind!

  1. Preparation
  2. First Impression
  3. Body Language
  4. Classical Question

Preparation starts the moment the interview gets confirmed.

1. get to know what company is looking for; make sure you figure out the 3 most important skills they are looking for. Check the requirements in the job description and figure out examples where you proved this skills.

2. Check the company’s background, you need to know the values and mission of the company and basic knowledge like who is the CEO, what do they do where is the company from and what are their extension plans.

3. Figure out who is going to interview you. Look for the name on LinkedIn (check your interview confirmation email and copy paste the email address to LinkedIn).

It is always good to know about the person going to interview you. It lets you feel more comfy when you actually meet the person you saw on a picture before. Maybe you even have some things in common. Keep in mind that they will scan you on the internet as well and know a lot about you when you get interviewed, try to have the same advantage.

4. Now that you know the background of the job, company, and interviewer you need to prepare the basic questions that you will certainly confront. Further, in this article, I will help you to answer the basic questions the best way possible.

5. Cleaning up your online presence!

Nowadays recruiters will definitely scan you online. Make sure nothing bad will be found. The usual procedure is to find you on Facebook and LinkedIn as also search for you on Google (in China also on Baidu).

Do your homework and search for yourself, make sure they won't find anything bad about you and if possible make them find things that help your reputation.

Now that you prepared yourself and rehearsed all questions the morning of the interview has come and you are confident because you know that you will perform awesomely.

First impression matters.

Within the first 7 seconds recruiters make their first impression, make it count!

Here the basics:

1. Dress to impress! Get your best suit, a tie, and an ironed, clean shirt, women wear classic business attire. Better overdress than underdress.

2. Come 5-10mins early, that gives you a reserve in case something happens and it lets you come down before the interview. If you arrive just 10seconds before the interview you will be additionally stressed and you just don't want that.

3. Now that you arrived at the lobby greet everyone with a warm smile and a hello. Keep in mind that these people might talk to the recruiter and tell how you behaved. Also if you get the job these people will be your coworkers so get off right.

4. Turn off your phone even if you think you could use this 5 mins before the interview to answer some messages, it will leave a bad impression.

Finally, the moment arrives, the recruiter picks you up. Stand up look him in the eyes shake his hands firmly for 1-2 seconds smile at him and when he says his name you repeat it first and then introduce yourself and follow to the room and sit down after he tells you to do so.

Now to the crucial part of your interview: It might come as a surprise to you but

what you say at your interview will only influence your chance by 7%.

The decision if you ace the interview or fail is made by 55% of your body language, 38% of your voice tone and again only 7% of what you actually say!

You got the interview because they saw your CV already and know that you have the skills. Now they want to get to know you personally and they want to figure out if you fit the team.

Body Language

makes 55% of your interview. Better to know how to do it right!

  1. You already did the greeting right and now you sit down. Sit open (don't cross arms or legs), shoulders back and lean slightly forward. this will give the interviewer the impression of confidence and attention, you are interested in whats going on!
  2. Keep eye contact during the interview and don’t stare on the floor or to the roof. Keep the focus on the interviewer, also don't play with your hair, buttons or other things which make you look nervous.

Now, these tips won't make the outstanding difference between you and others but at least you will be on the average side. To out-stand and become the winner of this job competition you should mirror the interviewer!

What does mirror the interviewer mean?

Copy what the interviewer does. If he speaks slowly and loud then you speak slowly and loud, if he uses his hands to speak, you use your hands to speak use similar movements, try to talk the same language as he does (posh or academic,...) make him feel you are like him.

People like the same type of people. They will feel comfortable around like-minded people. They will like you, like your personality and you mirror the same vocal tone. Remember?

Already passed 93% of your interview!

The other 7% are your words.

Classical Questions

There are some classical questions that will certainly be asked. The interview will probably start like this:

Tell me a bit about yourself.

Good thing is that you know this question will come up so you can & have to prepare for it.

The answer to this question is not your personal lifestyle but the reason why you are the perfect match for this position.

With this question, you get 1 minute to sell yourself professionally to the interviewer.

Prepare the answer according to the 2-3 most important requirements and skills in the job description. Show where and why you used this skills before and how you use your skills to increase the company’s value. Add why you fit into the vision and mission of the company.

You don't just apply for the job but for the position in this specific company!

Use this 1 minute and blow their mind!

Remind that it is not only the words they are interested in but the way you present them.

After having this nice head start they will certainly confront you with more challenging questions such as

What is your weakness or how did you handle a difficult situation?

These questions are harder to answer since they require further thoughts.

The PAR Model will give you the outstanding result.

This model helps you to explain a past problem that you solved with a certain action to achieve a positive result.

Ex. the problem is your weakness.

The action is how you got rid of your weakness and why it's no weakness anymore.

Make sure to always talk about a weakness in past tense.

Let's say you had a fear of public speaking (Problem) so you joined a workshop for public speaking and volunteered often to speak in front of a larger audience (Action). With regular speeches, you gained more confidence and became better and better at public speaking so that today you speak with a lot of confidence in front of 100's of people (result).

In this example, you admit to having had a weakness but you not only show that you are aware of your weakness but you also show that you turn a weakness into your strength.

It clearly shows the interviewer that you are eager to learn and take action to get better.

Now, that's impressive!

The next classic question is:

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

They ask this question to see your commitment to the company and to see if they can plan on long term with you. Make clear that the position and the company you are applying for is crucial to your career planning. Also, check what the higher positions are in the company so you can mention how you plan to climb the career ladder.

Last they will ask you if you have any question.

YES, you have questions.

Having questions proves you are interested and you paid attention to the interview. The interviewer must feel you want this position and that you are motivated to work for this company.

Prepare 2-3 questions and ask at the end: I am very interested in this position and would like to know what the next steps after this interview are.

Don't ask personal questions or things which you can read in the job description that would only show you didn't do your homework. Also, do not mention or ask about the salary or holidays.

Bear in mind that all this can be managed best with a good stress management.

In order to not be stressed on day X, you need to be prepared. The most obvious reason for stress is the unknown. If you are prepared there is nothing unknown. Now you know the basic questions and if you read about the company and learn the job description then you know most.

Also, come early to relax a bit on the site.

Visualize and go through the interview the night before. You will sleep better and be more relaxed on day X, so there is nothing stopping you from acing your dream job!

Good luck to you :)

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