Ace Your Digital Marketing Strategies For Customer Success

Ace Your Digital Marketing Strategies For Customer Success

Hello hustlers, today in this article I'm going to cover the top 16 trends to stay on top in Digital Marketing & they can't be ignored. I'm going to categorize these 16 top trends into 4 major categories & these categories are going to be:

  1. Search
  2. Social
  3. Website
  4. Lead Nurturing

1) Let's start with the first category which is Search & under this I have listed five sub topics.

1-a) All the best business always comes from search as their buying intention is very high. Under search the first biggest trend is going to be "Quora Marketing". If you realize anything you search on Google these days, in the top 10 results which is on the first page of Google you will always see a Quora answer. Now if you're a business owner what you should do is you should answer that Quora answer properly which is in relation to your business. This is necessary because if a visitor goes to Google & searches something relevant & comes across a Quora answer & clicks on it & finds out about your business and then eventually the visitor ends up calling you from there.?

1-b) The second important strategy under search which I personally follow, is when you actually go and search and look at the search result page you'll always see four or five questions which are generally related questions to what you have searched on Google. Now it's very important to take these questions and put these questions into the FAQ section of your website, this will help to rank better on SERP's. For an example if you go to Google and you type "digital marketing course" you'll find the "People also ask" section. Below is the screenshot for reference:

People also ask

Now these are automatically generated questions by Google under the "People also ask" section. Get these questions & put them as FAQs on your website with the respective schema and you will see magic in numbers.

1-c) The third strategy under Search is "Vernacular SEO". With the advent of 5G coming in with corona virus happening literally the world's population is now online and the thing is that not everybody can speak in English or Spanish or French. This is going to lead to a huge rise of people searching in their own regional vernacular languages.

Vernacular SEO

I can totally imagine someone in India, in a village going to Google and typing "Pet mein dard hai kya karun" i.e. stomach problems in a regional language. Now the pharmaceutical company needs to actually be answering that question by giving some tips & drug suggestions to them. So, Vernacular SEO is going to be high in coming years.

1-d) The fourth is "Voice Search". According to a research that I read online, 71% of consumers prefer to conduct queries by voice instead of typing. This is why this trend is now gonna come across the world. And, Google speech recognition now supports more than 100 languages. In near future people are not going to type while they're driving, they just press the mic they'll ask questions to their phone and the phone's will respond. Which basically means that you need to now prepare your website and your business for voice search.

Voice search

1-e) The fifth is "Hyperlocal SEO". You need to understand that one of the Google's biggest tool is Google My Business (GMB) and it is getting smarter day by day. You can find businesses via Google Maps. Now you even know if the place is busy at 2pm, 8 pm, 10 pm; you know which days they are open to seek an appointment; you can look at their reviews. Because of reviews and all these things if put together, your business listing on Google will work in an efficient way. Someone can find your business information via Google which basically means keep your Google My Business very clean & get your reviews always. Ensure your timings are clearly mentioned & your directions everything else is just perfect on GMB. Work very hard on Google My Business because hyperlocal SEO is the key to the success of any business.

2) Now let's move to the second section which is Social and under this I have listed six sub topics.

2-a) The first one is "Instagram Reels". You know I have genuinely noticed that these days when photos / videos posted on Instagram, the reach of them are drastically decreased. Before the reels came out the photos / videos use to get traction on posts & stories. But these days I've realized that the Instagram algorithm is only only and only pushing out real content. So my dear readers of this article you need to ensure that if you are using Instagram for your business you need to create 15 or 30 second video content for reels and placing the appropriate hashtags. It is now the need of the hour and that's all I would recommend you to do on Instagram.

2-b) The second is "YouTube Shorts". YouTube is anywhere the biggest platform and in that to make it more interesting and to keep users hooked onto YouTube for a longer time, start creating content on YouTube Shorts. It's high time that you now start repurposing your content or repurposing your other social media content into YouTube Shorts. I have a feeling that YouTube Shorts is a next biggest thing for engagement. So ensure you really commit yourself to YouTube Shorts.

2-c) The third is "Video Content". In general all I'm saying is let the image content take a backseat and move everything to videos. You want to take an image forget it, move to videos.?Everything is now video content. You know with 5G coming in, the speed up with videos will be able to play is going to be so smooth which is why video content is going to be the preferred content across the world. So shut the image option and start populating video content. So every piece of content you create make sure it's Video Content.

video content

2-d) The fourth is "Shoppable Content". Instagram has launched Shoppable Content various parts of the world, which means what influencers are wearing. You can tap on the image post and you can see which brand t-shirt, which brand pants, which brand watch they are wearing. So if you're an e-commerce brand or if you're a fashion brand, you need to now get into shoppable content so that you get influencers or celebrities to wear your products and then you can say this brand shirt, this brand jeans, this brand belt, this brand watch. A lot of content on Instagram is now going to be shoppable content. It's becoming social-commerce. So if the feature of shoppable content is available to you then start using the feature to boost your sales.

2-e) The fifth is "International Ads". Now due to Corona, literally everyone is selling products not from their own offline stores but online also. I recommend create a channel of partners across the world and now start doing social media ads not only in your country but in other countries also. Because genuinely social media ads in third world countries can be at least 95% cheaper than what you are paying in your country. So if you belong to a first / second world countries then explore social media on third world countries and you might just realize that your ads are now cheaper than what you were paying in your country. Which is why i highly recommend explore International Social Media Ads.

2-f) The sixth is "Personalized Remarketing". Remarketing was always a key in terms of social media but now especially now i think it's super important for us to do personalized remarketing which basically means do remarketing to your customer based on the stage of the customer. So if you are just promoting your newly launched car do an awareness based ad but if someone has interacted with your ad online then the next ad that you should send to them is maybe an ad with a discount and a deadline. If they interact with the second ad then show them the third ad of a testimonial of a customer but ensure you do personalize remarketing based on the stage of the customer. This will allow really high conversion rates via social media marketing.

3) Now let's move to the third section which is Website and under this I have listed two sub topics.

3-a) I think this is a very important point because a lot of people look at everything else besides their website. Today I want to tell you that the biggest trend is going to be "Chatbot".?And I know that chatbots have been there for sometime but AI driven chatbots have now come into the market which have excellent conversion ratios. Many people keep doing more Google ads, more Facebook ads and more more kind of ads and what they don't realize is is that there's already so much traffic on their website. The first thing that you need to do is besides doing ads ensure that the traffic on your website which you already have, converts into becoming a lead. And that you can do while you're sleeping and your chatbot can do that on your website for you. I think one of the biggest things that you need to do is if you're having decent traffic on your website, install a chatbot and start collecting leads because whoever comes to your website is a much hotter lead than you doing an ad. So invest in chatbots.

3-b) The second is "Pop-ups". Ensure you have customized pop-ups just like I told you about customized remarketing which is remarketing to your customers based on the stage which the customer is reached in the buying journey. You can now absolutely automate your pop-ups to show to customers when they come onto your website based on the stage that they have reached in the buying cycle. So if it's a random new customer who enters your website show them a pop-up for something free but if the same customer comes for the tenth time on your website then tell them that if you do a purchase today then we'll give you a 10% discount and if you buy this in the next one hour we'll give 15% discount. Have customized pop-ups on your website based on the stage of the customer.

4) Now let's move to the fourth section which is Lead Nurturing and under this I have listed three sub topics. Now I told you about search, social with both of these you're going to get people to your website. Once you get them to your website use pop-ups and chatbots and once you get the customer details like name, number, Email ID all I mean is once they become a lead or a qualified potential customer on your website, the next thing you need to do is nurture the lead.

4-a) The first is "Personalized Email Marketing". Email marketing has been there now since donkey's years but personalized email marketing still works if you do really good personalized email marketing. You can still clock a open rate up to 40% and you can still clock a click rate up to 15% to 20%. Just need to ensure you keep your email short, customized, personalized and to the point and you will achieve the numbers stated here.

4-b) Second is "Personalized SMS Marketing". In many countries SMS marketing is now growing heavily because SMS's give you an open rate of 30 to 50 percent and a click rate of 10 percent. It creates convenient communication for customers. So keep your SMS's short, relevant and personalized.

4-c) Now the third is "Customized WhatsApp Marketing". There are lots of WhatsApp marketing tools and APIs available in the market. Also WhatsApp is now a proper social media platform for business. You need to explore WhatsApp because it can give you a 100 percent open rate and a 50 percent click rate. No other platform across any platforms on digital can give you such click rates.

Ensure that you look at all these 16 digital trends and make sure you use them all. If you think I have missed on any then type in the comments and let me know what I have missed. I'll be more than happy to add it to this article for you.

All the best and Thank you for reading!


