Ace an Interview
Dr. Nadeem Zaigham Ph.D.
Founder & CEO NASTAC N&S Training Advice Consultancy, Consultant & COO Be Positive Mental Healthcare Service.
Hello Everyone,
When two candidates have similar credentials, the one who is better at selling him or herself usually gets the job. You can convince an interviewer that you are too good to pass up.
?- Prepare thoroughly. Show a complete knowledge of the company and ask probing, but not rude or invasive, questions about current corporate issues.
- Don't do the following: appear aggressive or submissive; use first names unless asked to; smoke, even if invited; sit down before asked to; look at your watch; show anxiety or boredom; ask about salary or benefits; answer questions before the interviewer has finished asking them.
- When asked, be crystal clear on your career objectives.
- When asked why you left your last job, claim insufficient challenge, no room for advancement, that you were underpaid, or that the company was not stable or was losing its edge. Never criticize your post boss.
- When asked to talk about yourself, cite specific examples of your outstanding accomplishments.
- When asked about your weaknesses, identify a strength that you are committed to improving. (Presentation skills is a good choice.) Don't criticize yourself.
- Practice answers to questions you hope won't come up.
- Practice your table etiquette for interviews over meals.
- Mirror the tone of voice and body language of the interviewer; sit in the same posture.
- When you're not speaking, listen.
- Ask for the job! Say, "I'd very much like to work for you. If you invite me to join your team, I won't let you down."