Accountant Needed: Expats in Paradise (Part 1)
Many people wonder, “What will I do if I move south of the border?” After all, we have to do something for the 16 hours a day that we are awake. This is a great question, and one that more people should give serious consideration to before they set sail and head off.
While the idea of living strictly R&R sounds appealing, some folks, like me, are probably not able to just relax on the beach all day. But others are, however, and this is an important self-knowledge to know. That said, people do change, and what might be right today could morph into new interests in the future.
In this week’s article, I take the stories of two expats who have moved to Nicaragua to engage in “work” activities, as we would traditionally define them. In future articles, we’ll look at people who have come to the region and jumped into service work, spending their days working in the community, as well as folks who have stepped back from it all and enjoy relaxing, reading, beachcombing, golfing, horseback riding, and other recreational activities full time. All are possibilities, as is some combination of the three.
But before we get to the story, check out these two really interesting charts about GDP and happiness/life satisfaction. It is interesting how money and satisfaction have correlation, but not as strongly as we in North America like to believe.
For more information, read here: