An accountancy revolution paved with gold?

An accountancy revolution paved with gold?

Cloud technology, the Government’s MTD initiative and your clients’ increasing expectations set you and your firm up for unheard of success.

But are you ready?

Fees, profits and capital value gains are all within your grasp.

But only if you take action.

So how do you turn all this financial potential into hard cash for your firm?

Step 1:  Get yourself familiar with what technology is available to you and your firm.       Because technology is one of the biggest drivers of change, you run a big risk by not being knowledgeable about what’s available to you and your clients.

ACT NOW: Get yourself registered for Accountex in London on May 24th and 25th to see what’s being used by other firms, what could HELP YOUR CLIENTS (and make you some money) and what could HELP YOUR FIRM do more in less time.

Step 2:   When you’re registered for Accountex, work out which speakers you want to see to inspire you and provide you with the practical guidance on running a better 21st century accounting practice.

ACT NOW: Register for Accountex, book your train ticket or hotel (if you’re going for two days) and make sure you PLAN YOUR VISIT rather than free-wheeling around the event. Instead diarise your day(s) around the stands you want to see and the speakers you want to see.

Step 3:    Get as many of your people involved in Accountex as you can. You want your team to help you with the changes in your firm. Use Accountex to inspire them and drive them to be part of your solution.

ACT NOW: Decide who should attend as well as you attending.

April 2019 is the start of the MTD revolution. The cloud accounting revolution is already underway.

In May you have the opportunity to inject new insight and renewed motivation into your firm’s future. And to work out the practical next steps so that you get your share of the financial rewards that comes with the inevitable changes racing towards you.

I’ll see you there hopefully – I’ll be speaking and we have a small stand launching my new book – The Business Growth Accountant. If you want a pre-release copy you can order a copy

ACT NOW: Register for Accountex (for free) here

Nice one Paul that is truly hilarious!! Thanks for cheering up my evening!



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