Accountable Online and Elsewhere
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Last week, I attended a session on the importance of "story". It was high value, and I am still processing on same.
Then today, I came across this on the LinkedIn Content Marketing Tactical Plan. Consider it. I am.
I am no expert, but simply a student intent on exploring this.
I am finding LinkedIn a platform where I can hold myself truly accountable to building the work and reach I most want.
This is not a sales pitch for LinkedIn. Indeed, I am active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and going soon to Vimeo.
Still, I caution my business and music students on finding platforms that reach your best audience. To me, that speaks of Accountability; being accountable to ourselves and our best audiences, in true service.
Accountability is Integrity in action. It is Responsibility demonstrated and manifested to the world. For me, Accountability speaks to the notion of knowing who we are, who we best serve, and how we can best reach and serve them. Accountability is...
Responsibility for our choices.
Humility in facing mistakes.
Lifelong learning.
Making amends.
Weighing outcomes.
Living with a sense of our own Justice.
So What?
How does this relate to diving into the Tactical Plan noted above?
I am finding myself making careful decisions with respect to my online presence going forward. I will remain on multiple platforms but it is my discerned observation and understanding that LinkedIn best allows me to be accountable to those I seek to serve. I have learned and weighed and discerned and decided. I have considered, and I have determined that this platform best allows me to engage the content and purpose most desired.
I will continue being active on multiple platforms, for a variety of reasons. That will not change. That being said, Accountability speaks to the question of "To whom do I hold myself most accountable?" Responsibility is the ability to respond. Accountability is the ability to take account for our Responsibility.
And I am.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage