Accountability is Required
Laura Richardson (Jenkins)
Brand Management | Strategic Brand Development | Brand Champion | Marketing Communications | Event Management
Something that’s kind of out of vogue these days is accountability. I know when I was working in a professional business environment, we already saw it. Rules were made harsher than necessary to account for a single team member who didn’t realize work wasn’t the Club and would dress inappropriately. So, no jeans – until it was “the” thing at the new “millennial” workplaces so jeans became five days a week. Wasn’t just workplaces, though. Schools set the rules for shorts no shorter than the knees because some kids thought that shorts that didn’t cover your butt were appropriate in school, even though clothing stores didn’t sell shorts that were to the knees so no shorts for girls at all. But I guess I’m old school. I don’t believe in the mantras about “claiming” what you say and just feeling entitled to it because you claimed it. I believe that you set goals and you do the work to make them happen. Period. And I’ll own when I don’t make them happen. I don’t set goals for things that aren’t at all in my control (i.e., Auburn will have an undefeated season – Duh! I’m not a player. I’m not even a coach. That’s not a goal for me). That’s how I’m approaching my vision board. ?I’m setting goals, and I’ll share them so that they’re actually goals and not just dreams. Part two is doing the work. And part three is accountability – publicly so that I can’t just pretend I never set the goal. How have I done?
This is how I’m doing. I set the goals above and now I’ll share my results to date. I think I’m doing pretty well. I did the haircut on July 26, and I started my certifications on July 15. I’ve been very good about blogging, and even have plans for future blog posts through the end of September so I think that’s going well. Heck, I even went to the Auburn v Mercer game last night! ?I restarted my Sims, and though I’m not playing as regularly as I wanted it’s because of the other success I’ve found. Case in Point: I have gotten a fulltime job that I start September 23rd (more on that later), and I’m packing. We are moving to Cocoa, Florida!!! Luther started his new job about two weeks ago at Cape Canaveral and has already gotten us a temporary house down there, and I’m packing. So, yeah. Not playing Sims a lot but I do play when I need downtime and when I’m not working at David’s, working on my certifications, or packing the house where my family has lived for 40 years! I’ll have the “move away from Columbus” finished this month (and I can set a new Vision item to find and move into a “permanent” home for next year already). I’ll also have my ICPP certification finished by mid-month. I’m on the last required unit now so I just have to keep working and I can get that accomplished.
So I think I’m doing well. I have reset my deadline for my new hobby. Right now, my hobby is packing. Not a great or fun one, but I am a realistic person and know that I can’t try to accomplish everything at once so I’ve reset my goal for the end of October. Maybe being in a new environment will inspire me! And next week, I’ll start setting new goals (and get an update to my haircut because it’s been five weeks), but I am proud of the work I’ve accomplished this summer. I’ll keep you all updated, too, because in my world Accountability is Required!?