Accountability, Forward
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
"Advancing conversation, consultation and capacity around character, purpose and unity, and the global goals. Build a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally. Humans together, strong."
That is The Unity Guy Thing. That is Epic Engage.
Over the last month or so, I have posted a range of thoughts around Leadership... plus belief and believing... and the notion of what if... and being your own hero. I have shared on what we are doing with Digital Coffees and TUGtv. Indeed, and in deed, we had a cool Summit Show of late, engaging some 10 perspectives on the year ahead ... in conversation and consultation.
This is all to say that this is for what I hold myself and Epic Engage and TUGtv accountable in 2022.
Accountability is Responsibility for our choices. In practicing it, we practice Humility to accept and admit our mistakes. It is not about perfect as noun (a myth) but perfect as verb (our best reality). In so doing, learning is life long. In so doing, we are prepared to make amends where necessary. In so doing, we hold our high road and our middle ground.
The Real homeWORK
As an Educator, I am a Student. As an Educator, I believe real homework is about practice making permanent and practical. So now, I invite you to read and reflect on Accountability. For this year and forward, to whom and for what will you discerningly and decidedly practice same? What will that look like? What is its countenance and gate manifested ... real world and real time? Get clear on what and for whom and how it looks made manifest, in action.
For me... personally and professionally... it is about holding myself healthily accountable in advancing conversation, consultation and capacity around character, purpose and unity, and the global goals... building a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally... doing it with joyful Excellence...
... in all facets of my life. At school, work, business, community, play and life... in all that I do... I hold myself to being accountable (without blame and shame, just humble and strong, and doing my best) to the notion that Humans together, strong. That is my chosen path, countenance and gate. That is my "fixity of purpose". That is what for which I will hold myself accountable, bringing myself to healthily and even lovingaccount each day".
How about you?
Peace, purpose and prosperity...